That man doesn't seem to be in the same group as this group of people. His strength is obviously better than the black killer he just killed!

In particular, he can hide his breath and make his life fluctuations faint and invisible.

Previously, Zhang Xiaofan's attention was mainly placed in the gymnasium, and not too much on the surrounding skyscrapers, so he did not notice the existence of this person.

"I'm going to hunt that man down now, you'll be honest here waiting for me to come back."

"There is a little white tiger protecting you, ordinary people cannot get close to you!"

Zhang Xiaofan then explained briefly to the heat, said.

The moment Zhang Xiaofan turned around and wanted to leave, the hot bar suddenly hugged Zhang Xiaofan's waist from behind.

"Be careful on this trip ..."

Hot barge gently, said.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan also rolled his eyes quite helplessly. This time he was just going to hunt down a fish that missed the net. How can the same thing be put in the heat here, and how can it be separated from life and death?

Isn't it necessary to give yourself a song titled "Easy Water Cold"? !!

You know, the purpose of his trip this time is to kill, not to be killed ...

"Well, I get it!"

However, the girl in front of her had just helped Zhang Xiaofan to stop the bullet. After all, Zhang Xiaofan naturally did not behave too well, but just nodded indifferently, said.

Zhang Xiaofan did not choose to go directly to hunt down the killing sniper, but ran in the direction of Liu Shengyao.

At this moment, Liu Shengyao is playing against these two black killers. None of the three are cultivators, at best they can only be called strong among ordinary people.

Therefore, this round has been played back and forth, although both sides have some minor injuries, but neither side can do anything.

Zhang Xiaofan's body speed is very fast, and in just a blink of an eye, he has already approached Reba.

"What are you doing here ?!"

"Hurry up and leave here, don't get in my way!"

When Liu Shengyao saw Zhang Xiaofan suddenly rushing towards his side, he hurriedly spoke, scolded, and said.

You know, both of them are professional killers. With her own strength, fighting the two is already too much.

If, at this point, this guy makes trouble for her, then she will really have no chance of winning once.

If, if Zhang Xiaofan is really dragged down, Liu Shengyao really wants to die.

After all, this time she is facing the real “professional killer”, which is not comparable to those robbers arrested by Zhang Xiaofan before.

"Zhang Xiaofan, leave here quickly. It's very dangerous here. They are all professional bounty hunters. If they want to do something to you later, I can't protect you!"

Liu Shengyao reminded loudly, said. Want Zhang Xiaofan to leave this right and wrong place as soon as possible, don't swim in this muddy water.

However, Zhang Xiaofan didn't have any extra time to talk nonsense with Liu Shengyao, and he didn't come here to help Liu Shengyao make a clearance ...

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