The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7457: Want to find a boyfriend

After hearing her girlfriend said that there was a 'handsome man' above the sky, Yan Yan covered her mouth and laughed.

This kind of headless words can be said, and the only possibility is to want to talk about a boyfriend, right? !!

In classical Chinese, Xin Yue is also blushing.

"Before, Chen Zhongming always wanted to chase you?"

"Let me see, you just promised Chen Zhongming's confession directly, and you're now unconscious all day long ..."

Yan Yan laughed after seeing this, she said.

"What are you talking about ?!"

"Yanyan, you can solve your own boyfriend's problem first, and then worry about my business ..."

Xin Yue loudly, raised her hand and patted at Yan Yan, but was avoided by Yan Yan.

At one time, two chasing like brass bells came out on the pedestrian street, and laughter came.


At the same time, the killer in black was running away from the road. His current location and the distance to the previous stadium were about 10 kilometers, and it should be a relatively safe place to hide.

However, the survival instinct of this black killer is to keep him still walking, fleeing insanely forward, and in his heart has been echoing a word constantly, here is far from giving himself A safe place to stay.

"what is that?!!"

The killer in black was beating with a heart that couldn't stop, his sniper rifle had undergone some unknown enhancements and transformations, and it was specifically aimed at the spiritualists.

In addition, the black killer himself is also a spiritual master who has reached the foundation.

However, his main skill is not to engage in one-on-one hand-to-hand combat. As a killer and a sniper, he has the most powerful ability, which is undoubtedly 'assassination.'

Coupled with the strengthened and modified sniper rifle in his hands, even if it is replaced by those who are stronger than him, or even two great realms, in the case of mental calculations and inadvertent, it is also very easy to Hand over the culvert!

His most glorious record before was based on a realist who built a realm. He used a sniper rifle and blasted off the head of the life-threatening power!

The black killer himself is just a common ground-based powerhouse. He can actually solve a magical power through some means. Xiaocheng? !!

If such a brilliant record is passed on by a caring person, it is undoubtedly a glory that can show off for a lifetime!

However, just now, the bullet fired from his sniper rifle was actually intercepted directly by the man in the air with something unknown.

What exactly is that? He couldn't believe it, unless it was a special steel plate that was two meters away, otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to resist his specially modified sniper bullet!

Because of this, after seeing that he missed a shot, the black killer did not hesitate at the moment, turned and fled!

This is also the alertness that he has played as a killer throughout the year. It is because of his alertness that he can still survive to this day's fundamental element after performing so many assassination missions of nine lives.


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