The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7459: What are you doing

After hearing Zhang Xiaofan ’s shaking his head to deny that he was a ‘infant babies’ ’power, the black killer ’s heart hanging high was finally put back in his belly.

He said, how could it be the legendary infantile powerhouse?

It's been 100 years, and few of them can see Nahua strong infants in the memorials in the secular world. Even the supernatural powers are rare.

Now, if a young man who is only twenty-five or six years old suddenly pops out and says he is a strong baby, let alone Huaxia, even if the whole world shakes it?

"Since you are not a baby, why can you still fly on the sky? It doesn't make sense ..."

After a long sigh of relief, the black killer suddenly thought of this key point.

Even if it is a step back ten thousand, Zhang Xiaofan is not a strong infant, but he can soar freely above the sky, so it is not difficult to see how powerful his person will be. Horrible.

Hearing the words, Zhang Xiaofan's sneer on his face grew stronger, and he whispered.

"Now, before it's your turn to ask me questions, now you tell me first, which killer organization did you come from?"

Zhang Xiaofan has always done nothing, and he will destroy the door when he takes a shot. He knows the truth, the kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to himself, to his relatives, lovers, and brothers.

If you do n’t provoke me, then we all do well without breaking the river, and we are all in peace, but if you do n’t know if you are tempted to provoke me, then you must kill the three groups and destroy their organizations!

"Ha ha...."

"Why is this kind of thing telling you? The killer organization I belong to is Ten Kills!"

"Ten kills don't say it's in Huaxia. Even if you look at the whole world, it's a killer organization at the top of the pyramid."

"Since the task has been taken up, all members of the organization will naturally do their best to complete it."

"Even if I don't die in this operation, very soon, more powerful killers will be sent over the organization, and there will be a steady stream until you are completely killed!"

The killer in black looked coldly at Zhang's fondness, hate, and said.

"Hehehe ..."

"You don't have to say so much nonsense in front of me, you just organize that bunch of garbage, and it's just a dead end!"

Zhang Xiaofan said in a very indifferent tone.

Hearing this, the killer in black felt a suffocation in his heart and wanted to have an attack, but found out that what the person in front said was an indisputable fact.

If he is really a strong infant, it would be counted to exhaust all the power they should have to kill Shaanxi, and that man may not be eliminated.

"Last question, what is your tenth killing commission? Let you come to assassinate me."

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked again, said.

At this moment, the black killer is in a long silence, and he can fully explain the killer organization to which he belongs behind, just because he has a dependency and is not afraid of anything.

However, it is impossible to say who the employer is.

Just because this is a potential rule in the killer organization ...

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