The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7472: Give me the bracelet

Moreover, this British man is not only handsome and handsome, but also has a kind of indescribable temperament, but the expression on this face is indifferent.

Seeing this, Yan Yan's heart is unavoidable ’Suddenly, looking at the young man who looked indifferent in front of him, he was still just a murderous means of murder, and he felt terrible under his heart.

"Hello, thank you very much. Thanks to your actions, we were saved."

"If not, then we will most likely not defile the two scums ..."

Just as Yanyan was hesitating, Liu Xinyue had already stepped forward to thank him.

However, halfway through Liu Xinyue, she suddenly noticed that her shirt buttons were still open. It was just because her nerves had been tightened by the two robbers. Just forgot.

Nowadays, such beautiful and beautiful scenery is exposed to the air in such a way that it is not concealed.

After thinking of this, Liu Xinyue hurriedly tightened the neckline of her shirt to cover up the beautiful scenery, but her blushing face seemed to be bleeding.

But then, she faintly felt that she was not doing well.

After all, his life-saving benefactor was standing in front of him, but he was so guarded against the life-saving benefactor, he was not the two former disciples.

Just when Liu Xinyue's little head was a mess, when he didn't know what to do, he saw the handsome man suddenly said, saying.

"Hand me the bracelet on your right hand."


When Meng Buding heard the man say this, Liu Xinyue froze slightly, the bracelet on her right hand? What bracelet!

The next time, Liu Xinyue set his sights on a string of seemingly ordinary sandalwood bracelets in his right hand.

This bracelet was brought by her from her hometown. It was a piece of wood that her dad had chopped from the depths of the mountains and helped herself to make it.

"Give me that bracelet!"

The handsome man said coldly.

For a while, Liu Xinyue was startled by the indifference of the man in front of him thousands of miles away, and immediately felt an inexplicable grievance in his heart.

In Liu Xinyue's initial vision, the man in front of him should be the kind of hero who is a great hero of the country and the people. He is not polite when he talks, but how can he be polite?

Why does this opening give people such a sense of indifference?

Although Liu Xinyue thought about it, she did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly took off the sandalwood bracelet on her wrist and handed it forward.

Admittedly, this sandalwood bracelet was made by his own father, and it also has extraordinary significance for Liu Xinyue himself.

However, just now she has already seen the man's means in front of her and naturally dare not disobey his orders.

The man also did not have the slightest margin, and took the bracelet directly from Liu Xinyue's hand.


"Well, today I still want to thank you. My surname is Liu, and my name is Xinyue. I don't know what ... what is your name, heroes?"

Liu Xinyue's little hands kept rubbing the corners of his clothes, and whispered softly.

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