The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7596: This is my place

Upon hearing this, Tian Junye's complexion became more and more gloomy, and you rose up, staring at Zhang Xiaofan coldly, suddenly he reached out his hand and said.

"I said, man, what kind of place are you mixing up with?"

"Everything is about a first-come-first-served, but you don't even say hello like you, even the woman who robbed me of Tian Junye, isn't this more appropriate?"

"Just shake your hands and be friends!"

When Tian Junye saw Zhang Xiaofan's extraordinary temperament, he was obviously not a ubiquitous person, but he could not guess for a while what Zhang Xiaofan was mixed with, and did not dare to offend him easily.

Therefore, after Tian Junye thought for a moment in his heart, he finally planned to have a courtesy and then a soldier to test the depth of the other party.

"Know you Laozi? Get out!"

Zhang Xiaofan was extremely disgusted by the conversation between Tian Junye and Yan Yixin about the woman. Especially, after seeing Tian Junye's hand stretched out in front of her, she was even more rude and honest.

After hearing this, Tian Junye's whole person was stuck in place for an instant.

No one has ever dared to talk to himself in such a tone since he started mixing in the Tao. Is this kid too mad? !!

After hearing this, Yan Yixin, who was on the side of them, stayed in the same place. Others may not know it, but Yan Yixin knew the background and background of Tian Junye.

But even so, this young man still dares to talk to Tian Junye so?


This is not typical because it is tired and crooked, come to death? !!

"Boy, it seems your origin is not simple, how dare you be so crazy?"

"You don't know, this is Hangzhou, but do you know whose territory it is!"

Tian Junye said with a cold face. Then there was a flash of fierce coldness in his eyes.


"Then you talk about it, whose hand is this?"

Nowadays, the biggest two forces in Hangzhou, Luo family and Su family are supported by his Zhang Xiaofan, only to have today's glory.

What's more, the relationship between Luo Qingshan, the current patriarch of the Luo family, and Zhang Xiaofan naturally need not be repeated.

Whose site is Hangzhou?

It is no exaggeration to say the previous sentence, Hangzhou is his place for Zhang Xiaofan!

However, Zhang Xiaofan now has no extra time to spend more time talking about this stupid idiot, just tossing a word coldly.

"I'll give you a minute. If you don't roll, you don't have to roll!"

After hearing this, Yan Yixin was completely stupid, and the series of reactions of this man really exceeded her expectations at first.

Yan Yixin really did not expect that this man was ten times more arrogant than Tian Junye, a hundred times!

"Darling, you're really domineering, I really ... I really like you so much!"

However, in order to get rid of Tian Junye completely, Yan Yixin not only did not have any intention to let go, but instead tightened Zhang Xiaofan's arm even harder and said with a sigh of breath.

She Su Ri'an didn't know what Zhang Xiaofan's name was, so she was cured and called 'Darling'. Her figure was still very expected, she was swollen and slumped, and she banged around Zhang Xiaofan's arm. .

"Oh, really!"

"I think you are also good. Although the appearance is fair, but in terms of figure!"

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