The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7610: Here comes plain clothes

And Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to waste too much time on this matter, he was going to go directly to the so-called strong brother and release Liu Qingqing's troubles as soon as possible.

But at this time, Zhang Xiaofan's eyebrows were slightly twisted.

Because, his mental strength suddenly felt that another car was driving towards this side, obviously a black and white Passat.

Soon, three plainclothes came down on this Passat, headed by a Chinese-faced plainclothes. After seeing the scene in front of him, he was immediately dissatisfied and scolded, said.

"Who the **** is it that dare to make trouble at the gate of the school in broad daylight ?!"

"Comrades in plain clothes, I just reported to the police that these two men were making trouble at the gate of the school!"

At this time, I saw that the gatekeeper who had just been cleaned up by Zhang Xiaoqiang had trot over and suddenly reached out to Zhang Xiaofan and Zhang Xiaoqiang.

As for the plainclothes, after seeing a few suit men lying on the ground, there was a flash of wonder in his eyes, and he immediately came to Zhang Xiaofan, with a questioning tone, said.

"Are these people injured by you ?!"

"Oh ... I'm not big enough, but I'm not too brave. I dare to make trouble at the gate of Hangzhou Normal University. I think you want to drink tea in the bureau ?!"

After speaking, his eyes turned slightly, and then fell on Liu Qingqing's body.

After realizing the gaze of the plainclothes, Liu Qingqing also subconsciously hid behind Zhang Xiaofan, and could not help whispering a reminder behind Zhang Xiaofan, said.

"Zhang Xiaofan, they are all strong brothers, strong brothers eat black and white, these security and plain clothes are also within his sphere of influence, and they all listen to strong brothers' orders."

Although Liu Qingqing has tried to suppress his voice as much as possible, the field is so quiet that the Nazi face-shaped plainclothes is still heard clearly, the whole person's complexion It also became gloomy.

"I said, little girl, what are you talking about right now with this boy?"

"I can tell you that you are now in charge of speaking. You just touched libel. I have the right to handcuff you away!"

The national character's face in plain clothes stared at Liu Qingqing coldly, and the threat in the lines meant nothing more than words.

At the same time, after hearing these words, Zhang Xiaofan's expression on his face became cold.

He really did not expect that even the plainclothes in front of him, like security, belonged to the ‘strong brother’ faction. They had already been bought.

If you really want to say it, what Zhang Xiaofan does not want to face is these plain clothes.

Of course, this is not because he is afraid of these plain clothes, but simply because of trouble.

If you kill one yourself, there will be a swarm of swarms behind you, the same feeling as a horse horse honeycomb.

In the end, things will get bigger and bigger, and eventually it will be difficult for even the top executives to end.

After all, in DiRu is a foreign country, you can stir it upside down.

But if this is to continue, it will eventually only lead to Zhang Xiaofan's break with the upper levels.

If it is not necessary, then Zhang Xiaofan naturally does not want to make trouble with the upper class to the point where he is dead.

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