The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7612: Is half-old

"Oh ..."

"In front of Lao Tzu, you dare to behave so arrogantly, right ?!"

"I have to say, kid, you are really kind!"

"I tell you, if you don't say anything else, just because you have seriously injured so many people now, then I have reason to arrest you now!"

There was also a contemptuous smile on the face of the Guozi face, and he shouted at Zhang Xiaofan.

"Qian, this group of people are not taught by this young man, but by this child. You must also arrest this child."

At this time, he saw that the guard just rushed closer and said quietly.

In his heart, it was true that Zhang Xiaoqiang had hair in his dim sum, especially Zhang Xiaofan's fierce look, which really gave this guard a psychological shadow, okay? !!

Therefore, he certainly hopes that the money team will also take the child with him, otherwise staying on his side is nothing like a time bomb that may explode at any time. There is no essential difference.

"what did you say?!"

"Just this kid, what international joke are you playing ?!"

"Just like a young boy with a stinky hairy hair, he must be an adolescent to see his face, is this the half-older ?!"

After seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang's face, Guozi face casual clothes immediately laughed and thought that the remarks made by the gatekeeper just now were ridiculous, okay? 1

"Since you are so powerful, come on ... come on ... come on ... take a look at my chest with a hammer, I still don't believe it today, a young boy with a stinky hairy hair, still can......"


The national character face plain clothes has not yet been able to say what he said later, he was already blown out by a punch blown by Zhang Xiaoqiang.

He didn't have Zhang Xiaofan's idea of ​​"seeing a good show", and his thinking always went straight.

Since this Chinese-style face-clothed clothes is so 'pleading', that Zhang Xiaoqiang naturally doesn't mind giving him a punch to keep him awake and awake.


"You actually, sneak attack on plain clothes? !!!"

After seeing his captain flying by Zhang Xiaoqiang, the other two plainclothes were not only binocular rounds, etc., angrily, said.

At the same time, the two of them also found the handcuffs on the belt of their pants, trying to come forward to control Zhang Xiaoqiang, but Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes shot out the cold and cold mang, in his eyes there was nothing plain or inconvenient. .

Those who dare to offend their elder brother, Zhang Xiaoqiang has the obligation to bring them down!

In this way, two punches passed in a row, Zhang Xiaoqiang hit the other two plain clothes and flew out.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Xiaofan didn't have any intention to stop.

As for the crowd of melon eaters and Liu Qingqing who were watching nearby, they all stayed in place one after another.

This one.....

This child is too crazy, right? !!

Starting from this, even plain clothes dare to pack up in minutes, this is just a dead man, okay? !!

After seeing this scene, Yan Yixin's brain was completely blank.

Originally, in her eyes, when plain clothes came, she would be able to find the correct account of this apprentice who had just eaten her tofu.

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