The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7616: You are wise

However, in the next instant, the man in the suit suddenly withdrew his hand that had touched his waist and put it back on the steering wheel.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaofan, who had previously closed his eyes, said suddenly.

"You should be fortunate that if you just chose to do it, your right hand is gone!"

Hearing this, the man in the suit couldn't help but be shocked, and then a cold sweat could not help flowing down.

You know, he is a professionally trained bodyguard, and can very accurately tell if a person's eyes are really closed, and whether he has opened a seam to peek at something.

Because of this, one thing that men in suits have just been extremely sure about is that Zhang Xiaofan never opened his eyes from beginning to end.

Since Zhang Xiaofan has never opened his eyes, how can this person know the series of small actions he just made? !!

Is it possible, as Zhang Xiaofan said, is he really a god? !!

Thinking of this possibility, the heart of the man in the suit was also very beating, and he suddenly showed great fear to Zhang Xiaofan, and he drove the car honestly.

As for Zhang Xiaofan, he didn't have any mood to deal with this suit man.

In his eyes, this is just a small **** that has nothing to do with the overall situation. He doesn't take such a small **** at heart, and he just wants to solve that ‘strong brother’ as soon as possible!

In fact, if you really want to speak, this strong brother is indeed a better solution.

No matter what kind of identity is behind him, or what background is backed by Qiang brother, Zhang Xiaofan still has the fullest ability to solve him easily!

Compared to Qiang Brother, it was the matter of the plain clothes just now that Zhang Xiaofan could more or less constitute some trouble.

After all, there were just so many college students who just watched them all.

Once the group of college students send all the photos and videos just taken to social platforms, it will definitely cause an unprecedented sensation.

Therefore, even under the pressure of public opinion, the upper layers will be forced to choose and stand against Zhang Xiaofan.

Although, Zhang Xiaofan is totally not afraid of this kind of thing.

After all, he is no longer a solo lonely man today, and there are many more fetters behind him.

Although these people haven't had a name yet with Zhang Xiaofan, Zhang Xiaofan will never allow anyone to dare to hurt them in the slightest. For example, Luo Yurou ...

Originally, about Luo Yurou and Zhang Xiaofan had repeatedly and repeatedly refused her in public, and once said that Luo Yurou should also seek for the happiness that truly belongs to him, and don't waste any effort on himself.

But what Zhang Xiaofan never thought was that in the year and a half when he had gone to Diosi, the western Siberian plains, Luo Yurou would rather jump down from the fifth floor in order to keep his secret.

It can be said that everything that Luo Yurou did for Zhang Xiaofan really moved him deeply.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan finally chose to agree to Luo Yurou's request, taking Luo Yurou as her disciple, and letting her enter the Xiushan Avenue ...

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