The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7624: Senior Song saved me

This kid ...

This kid, really dare to do it yourself? !! !!

How could he dare to do it himself?

Also, how could he shoot so fast just now!

"Little cub ..."

"Are you special, look for death!"

Feeling the hot pain in his left cheek, Brother Qiang was completely furious and planned to hit Zhang Xiaofan.




Zhang Xiaofan completely ignored this strong-brained brother, a young boy, and dared to shout in front of himself. He directly lifted his strong neck collar, and a dozen big mouths were drawn on him like no money Face.

After a meal, Brother Qiang's cheeks were bigger than just two or three laps, and his entire face was swollen.

Zhang Xiaofan grabbed Qiang and dragged him directly to Liu Qingqing, coldly.

"Before, this guy thought of you indifferently?"

"That being the case, you just have to come out and vent yourselves ..."

Seeing this behind the scene, Liu Qingqing's whole person stayed in the spot directly. When did she ever see Zhang Xiaofan's means of packing?

This is really, too simple and rude and straightforward ...

What is called violence by violence? This is the most direct manifestation of violence by violence!

However, nowadays the key is not the problem of this strong brother.

It was the middle-aged man in the robe just now. If the young man didn't know the middle-aged opponent before, then they would now draw a strong mouth from Brother Qiang. Wouldn't it be very desolate to end up later? !!


"You don't want to do it, do you?"

"That's it, I'll get this bad gas for you!"

Seeing Liu Qingqing's whole person looks like a wooden post, no response for a long time, Zhang Xiaofan was too lazy to waste any more time on her.

Anyway, the main purpose of Zhang Xiaofan's trip to Hangzhou was to help Professor Liu Qinghe deal with the predicament that his granddaughter Liu Qingqing is now facing.

Therefore, as long as Zhang Xiaofan helped Liu Qingqing to solve the problem, everything would be fine.

After thinking about this, Zhang Xiaofan naturally didn't mean to drag the water in the slightest. He clasped the elbow joint of Qiang's left arm with his right hand, and gently pushed back.

Soon, everyone heard the crisp sound of ‘click… .click….’, It sounded like the bones of a person ’s elbow were a little, a little cracked.

At the same time, as for the strong brother who fell to the ground, he shouted in pain and panicked.

"Song ... Senior Song, save me ... Save me ..."

The middle-aged middle-aged man, who was called Senior Song, suddenly changed his face after hearing the call for help. He really wanted to help Brother.

But unfortunately, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't have any intention to give up. He didn't wait for the middle-aged man to pull out, and he got entangled first, so that he couldn't get away at all.

"Xiaozi, you are seeking your own way, you can't blame me!"

The middle-aged man in the robe was finally completely outraged. You must know that Brother Qiang is helping them. From a certain perspective, Brother Qiang represents them!

If Brother Qiang is abandoned by Zhang Xiaofan in this way, isn't this hitting his own face? !!

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