The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7660: Advent of the Pastoral Soul

This time, Tian Huashen didn't have any intention to keep his hands, he just wanted to take Zhang Xiaofan's life with this palm!

"Get me out!"

However, Zhang Xiaofan was also very neat and straightforward, and he also raised a slap and drew heavily on Tian Huashen's old face, even though Tian Huashen's true Yuan Xiu has reached the supernatural state.

But in front of Zhang Xiaofan, even if Tian Huashen was n’t a three-year-old child, there was no essential difference between it and the three-year-old child. He was also given a slap by Zhang Xiaofan to fly out.

There are really enough old undead plays, and Zhang Xiaofan feels quite helpless.

According to Zhang Xiaofan's intentions at the beginning, his trip was only to resolve the elders of Ming Dynasty, and he went back to his home.

Didn't think that Tian Huashen was such a "drama" that he had to come up to make fun of it.

This kind of behavior is just a trick. !!

Zhang Xiaofan was too lazy to deal with such a person. After the old immortal was slaughtered, he would take the guy along with him, just as the old man was not alone on Huangquan Road.

After seeing this, Elder Ming's pupils suddenly contracted into a dangerous needle shape, just now he was really frightened by Zhang Xiaofan's big mouth.

You know, Tian Huashen, like himself, is also a supernatural power. that

However, such a strong self-cultivation man, in front of this young man in Zhongshan suit, did not have the slightest strength to fight back, and was directly slaped out by the other party.

Although, among them, Tian Huashen will inevitably dismiss the enemy, and Zhang Xiaofan's sneak attack will not be ruled out.

However, this man is obviously so young, even if he is really sneak attack, but this talent, qualification is enough to bear the word 'terror'.

"This friend, that girl is your friend."

"It's just that we didn't expect that the girl had such a background, it was really our negligence."

"However, our Shepherd Soul Sect just monitored her every move and did not bring any substantial damage to the girl. Do you think we should just let it all go away and shake hands with each other?"

Elder Ming looked at Zhang Xiaofan, and a kind smile appeared on his old face, explaining.

If it is not necessary, the elders of Ming do not want to be the enemy of such terrible evils like Zhang Xiaofan.

"Ha ha....."

"You think too much about it."

Zhang Xiaofan was too lazy to talk nonsense with this elder Ming. This man actually dared to hit his mind on Liu Qingqing, so his old life, Zhang Xiaofan decided today!

With a cold face, he suddenly flashed a golden mane in mid-air, and soon a three-footed Qing Feng appeared in Zhang Xiaofan's hands.

The elder Ming's gaze was slightly fixed, and his complexion became instantly dignified.

Regarding when exactly this three-footed Qingfeng appeared, he didn't understand it just now.

The elders of Ming have never seen such a means, what is the origin of this young man.

"Looks like, today you are determined to be against our herdsman."

"Since everyone is just a misunderstanding, why do you need to get to the point where this fishnet is broken? !!!"

The Elder Ming spoke coldly, said.

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