The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7663: Who said to kill you

Looking at the two cold bodies lying down in the parliament hall, Luo Qiangfei was not as scared and nervous as he had previously shown in Jiangnan First Village.

Because the corpses of the two old men in front of me are not good enough compared to the **** sea of ​​the elders down to the elders to the disciples. !! !!

Luo Qiangfei previously followed Zhang Xiaofan's buttocks, and gave him a step to reduce shocks with his own eyes, one step at a time to kill all the disciples, guardians, and elders of the Soul Soul Sect, leaving no one.

Even from the beginning to the end, the elders of these herdsmen did not even have the chance to ask the parliament hall for help. They were directly beheaded by Feijian and their heads fell to the ground.

What is death as light as a hair, this is death as light as a hair!

Human life in this man's hands is like grass and mustard, so he silently passed away.

Luo Qiangfei made it clear to his mind that the current Pastoral Sect can be said to be the real Pastoral Sect. Except for the three of them, there are only undead here and no living people.

Real pastoral land!

"Sir ... sir, can we leave here now?"

The thought of the entire Mogan Mountain is full of corpses and blood flows into the river, and the entire hereditary soul dwells in the depths of this mountain, in the darkness, it is like a grave post.

This made Luo Qiangfei feel creepy and wanted to leave this place of right and wrong this morning.

Zhang Xiaofan gave him a glance for quite a while, and Luo Qiang was afraid to say anything when he was flying. If he accidentally gave Zhang Xiaofan something to provoke, then his own end would be no different from these pastoral souls. Already.

Moreover, he almost forgot a very critical thing. He and Zhang Xiaofan are not a group of people. He is also one of Zhang Xiaofan's deadly enemies.

Every time I think of the positions of the two sides, Luo Qiangfei's cold sweat sweating from the soybeans. Zhang Xiaofan previously broke his hands and legs with a comminuted fracture, and then he saved himself with a panacea .

The purpose of Zhang Xiaofan to do this is to let himself lead the way, to find the whereabouts of the Mu Soul Sect.

At present, Zhang Shoufan has been destroyed by Zhang Xiaofan, and Luo Qiangfei has lost his use value. Even Elder Ming and Elder Tian were beheaded by Zhang Xiaofan.

It can be said that if Zhang Xiaofan really kills himself, then taking his own life is just one thought.

After thinking about this, Luo Qiangfei's knees softened, and they immediately became expensive on the spot, and hurriedly spoke.

"My lord, please ..... please let me go. I am willing to be your puppies and I am willing to be a cow for you."

At this time, Luo Qiangfei also felt that his previous words were too similar to what Elder Tian had just said, and Elder Tian was now just a ray of evil harvested by Zhang Xiaofan.

After thinking of this, Luo Qiangfei's heart felt extremely nervous, alas, but his legs seemed to be filled with lead, standing still without moving, waiting quietly for the final judgment announced by Zhang Xiaofan.


"Who said I was going to kill you ..."

When Meng Buding heard Luo Qiangfei's words, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help but hesitated for a moment, but he didn't figure out what Luo Qiangfei said to himself suddenly.

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