The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7668: Blood pool

He hurried back to the secret channel when he came back, and started wow ... he was mad.

But I saw that at the end of the underpass was a blood pool, an oval-shaped pond, filled with red blood, which was not ordinary blood. It was more like a sympathy, and there was a certain aura in it. Blood.

These people were killed by the hereditary soul ancestors by special means, and the blood in their bodies was drained by the secret method, and then poured into this oval pool, and then preserved for a long time by the inheritance of the hereditary souls.

Let the blood in this pool stay active.

This pool of blood is the accumulation of generations of pastoral souls for decades, even if it is said that there are at least 500 people with blood.

Unlike the fear from Luo Qiangfei's face, which was from the depths of his soul, Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes flashed a scarlet light, and a look of excitement appeared on the calm and indifferent face. color.

"Come on, according to my inference, the blood in this pool can greatly improve your spiritual progress."

Zhang Xiaofan looked at his brother with a flat tone.

After getting permission from his elder brother, Zhang Xiaoqiang naturally jumped into this blood pool without any hesitation.

The depth of this blood pool is obviously not as it appears on the surface, and its depth is to completely submerge Zhang Xiaoqiang's entire body.

Zhang Xiaofan could clearly understand that Zhang Xiaoqiang sat in the blood pool with his knees crossed, his eyes closed, and he began to work in an orderly manner.

With this blood full of rich aura, with the assistance, Zhang Xiaoqiang ’s BaiZhouJie ’s practice speed is more than 10 times faster than usual practice. In his Dantian, the Qijing Eight Paths are crazy. With.

The red blood in the blood pool not only did not have any decreasing tendency, but the blood evil spirit and the unique aura contained in it were like Wanchuan returning to the sea, following the pores of Zhang Xiaoqiang Zhou's body and pouring into him. In the body.

"Master Zhang, you ... your brother is he all right ?!"

The rich blood evil spirit was absorbed by Zhang Xiaoqiang, so that Luo Qiangfei on the side was obviously better than he was just now. He stepped forward and asked.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan said nothing, but stared closely at the blood pool in front of him, as if he could see Zhang Xiaoqiang at the bottom through the thick blood.

At this time, the vitality in Zhang Xiaoqiang's body is becoming stronger at a speed that can be seen by the naked eye. With so much blood containing aura, the speed of practicing the battle-hard tactics of the war-thirsty body is also invisible. The big ladder.

This is why Zhang Xiaofan chose to bring his younger brother to this secret room after covering the pastoral soul with spiritual power.

Because Zhang Xiaofan knows that only by bringing his brother here can he just ascend to the foundation. Dacheng's Zhenyuan Xiu is truly stable.

There is even a chance that Zhang Xiaoqiang can go one step further and let Zhang Xiaoqiang step into the realm of construction. Great completion!

However, under the intangible intensification of blood, the tactics of battle and addicted warriors symbolize the existence of invincible ...

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