The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7673: Breakthrough again

Let Luo Qiangfei drive directly back to the original road, which way to go.

Luo Qiangfei's Mercedes-Benz AMG.G63 slammed the accelerator all the way, without even saying hello, he drove straight into Jiangnan No. 1 Village.

After returning to his single villa, Luo Qiangfei personally prepared all bathing supplies for Zhang Xiaoqiang so that Zhang Xiaoqiang could take a hot bath first.

Then, Luo Qiangfei ordered the past.

Although it is still around 6.30 in the morning, service staff soon brought Zhang Xiaoqiang new clothes.

After Zhang Xiaoqiang finished washing, he changed into a clean and comfortable new clothes and was taken away by Zhang Xiaofan.

"Sir, don't you have to stay longer? I've made the restaurant ready for breakfast ..."

At the gate of the villa, Luo Qiangfei still kept his respect to Zhang Xiaofan and said.

"Hehehe ..."

"I don't think you would want me to stay. If I want to stay here, I think you will eat very hard, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan didn't shy away, and straightforwardly dismantled Luo Qiangfei's compliment.

In this regard, Luo Qiangfei still wanted to explain more about the matter, but before he could say anything, Zhang Xiaofan shook his hand and continued.

"You don't have to do these compliments in front of me. It doesn't help."

"I only have one requirement for you, that is to protect Liu Qingqing's personal safety. If she can be all right in Hangzhou, then you can naturally live as usual."

"Maybe, if you want to do well, I'm in a good mood, and it's not impossible to give you a good fortune."

"However, if Liu Qingqing has one less hair, I'll barge the three clan members of you!"

After hearing this, Luo Qiangfei said nothing, but the smile on his face immediately converged, his expression was extremely serious.

However, just when he was preparing to issue a military order to Zhang Xiaofan, Zhang Xiaofan had left Zhang Xiaoqiang directly.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't need Luo Qiangfei's military warrant from beginning to end. He has never looked at the process and only looked at the results. For Luo Qiangfei himself, whether it can be considered a creation or a nightmare depends entirely on it. What Luo Qiangfei did afterwards.

Looking at the back of Zhang Xiaofan and the brothers Zhang Xiaoqiang, Luo Qiangfei couldn't help feeling a sigh of emotion in his heart. This Mr. Zhang's life was really smart and decisive.

However, Luo Qiangfei's heart quickly became hot.

You know, Mr. Zhang just said very clearly. As long as Liu Qingqing can eat, live, and play in Hangzhou, maybe in the near future, Mr. Zhang will give himself a good fortune.

With this in mind, Luo Qiangfei couldn't help secretly vowing in his heart. Even if he was with this old man, he would swear to protect Liu Qingqing's safety.

After all, this immortal-level magnate personally promised himself.

Zhang Xiaofan took Zhang Xiaoqiang all the way out of Jiangnan No. 1 Village, and was about to return to his residence in Hangzhou. He was at the West Lake Golf Villa in Nandu, but he saw a few people suddenly jumped out on the other side of the road, and sent their brothers. The way of the two was stopped ...

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