The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7679: There is a killer

At this moment, when the two were about to land one after the other, they got the figure and turned in the air again. After a weird arc of the machine, in a strange and weird posture, they stabbed Zhang Xiaoqiang's shirt with a knife. A scar was left behind it.

The comer not only succeeded in avoiding the two offensives from Zhang Xiaoqiang, but also saw the counterattack of the homeopathic attack. After hurting Zhang Xiaoqiang with a stab, it is not difficult to see that the human repair must be very profound!

After seeing the injuries on his back, Zhang Xiaoqiang's complexion suddenly became cold. At the moment of landing, he didn't hesitate, no longer left his hand and punched, and attacked the shadow. Want to kill him before landing.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's speed is very fast, but some things are even faster than him!

I saw that a peculiar precious metal bullet pierced the air in front of him. Just a breathless effort had already attacked Zhang Xiaofan's body. His fists and eyes would hit him in this way. The figure is gone.

But unfortunately, after all, it was a step slower ...

After being aware of this sudden crisis, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't help avoiding it! ’As soon as it turned out that more than one killer had come here, but the two killed together, and the other one who had just put a cold gun aside.

It's just that the open gun is easy to hide, and the dark arrow is difficult to prevent. The speed of this bullet is too fast, so that he has no time to respond at all.

If there were no Zhang Xiaofan, it would be possible for the two killers to cooperate in tandem. For the time being, it is not possible to kill Zhang Xiaoqiang, but it is entirely possible for Zhang Xiaoqiang to suffer a big loss and suffer serious injuries. .

In addition, Zhang Xiaofan, who was silent on the side, had already captured it early in the first time. The other killer was holding a Barrett sniper rifle, and it was not far from this position, but 1000 Meters around.

With such a close range, Barrett greeted him with a shot. Considering that the bullet is still a special alloy, a just-advanced supernatural power. Xiaocheng's spiritual master is absolutely impossible to resist.

Not to mention, there is also a melee main attacker on the side, which is even more difficult.

Moreover, it is possible to set up such a dangerous situation and want to kill a magical power through a left and right pinch. Xiaocheng ’s spiritual master, it goes without saying that these two killers are definitely not general, and they are absolutely capable of fighting. Can afford the word 'horror'!

At the moment when this bullet was about to enter Zhang Xiaoqiang's temple, Zhang Xiaofan at the side was finally moving. In a breath, he had already flashed behind Zhang Xiaoqiang. The two killers did not even look at it from beginning to end. Know exactly how Zhang Xiaofan passed.

However, Zhang Xiaofan stretched his hand forward and actually captured the high-speed bullet directly in his palm.

For an instant, the eyes of the two killers could not help expressing a deep incredible and shocking look.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaoqiang's punch fell suddenly, and a heavy blow hit the figure's body.

At this moment, he couldn't avoid it anyway. Zhang Xiaoqiang's fist was full of all his strength and showed no mercy!

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