The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7783: Why don't you kill me

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If Zhang Xiaofan really lost his life in this reckless mountain.

Then, the red and black pupils can get the freedom they longed for.

And hearing Zhang Xiaofan's so straightforward words, Chi Tong's small face couldn't help but change slightly, and her beautiful eyes flickered.

Chitong didn't know whether Zhang Xiaofan had used his mental strength to capture what he had said to his sister Heitong before.

As a result, Chitong was silent for a long time, then even spoke honestly.

"It's true, I really thought about killing you."

Just before Zhang Xiaofan started to speak, Chi Tong continued to speak again, saying.

"Master, I just had such an idea in my head. It didn't last long, and I was quickly rejected."

"After all, it was the master who taught the practice to our two sisters, and it was also the elixir that the master provided to our sisters."

"Everything in this is an invaluable treasure to us, but the host can give these two valuable treasures to our sisters so unabashedly."

"This move makes it easy to see that you have absolute trust in our sisters."

"Moreover, between life and death, you still want to protect us, how can I betray you?"

After hearing that Hitomi came back like this, Zhang Xiaofan also shook his head and smiled, and then continued to speak.

"Actually, for me, it's just a deal."

"I just want to practice the exercises, and those elixir want to further enhance your combat effectiveness."

"And the fundamental goal of improving your combat effectiveness is actually to want you to further work for me."

"Other than that, nothing else."

Chitong's teeth gently bit her lower lip, and she and Zhang Xiaofan just said exactly the same idea.

Chitong never thought about it. It turned out that Zhang Xiaofan had read all these issues so thoroughly that he had guessed exactly what he thought.

"If it wasn't for the owner's defensive hood that opened at the moment of death, then it would be deadly for me and my sister's current strength to fall from a height like this.

"Master, even if you abandon your safety to protect our sisters, how can we do this kind of ingratitude ?!"

At this time, Red pupil opened her mouth in a deep tone.

In fact, this is the fundamental reason why Chitong did not choose to kill Zhang Xiaofan by hand, but rather chose a person to stay with Zhang Xiaofan silently to protect him and take care of him.

"I rescued you before, to be honest, I just thought about it for myself."

"In that critical situation, even if I tried my best to protect myself, I think the final end may not be better than it is now."

"So, I was just weighing the pros and cons, and finally made a compromise."

"So you don't have to thank me too much."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't hide anything or cover up ...

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