The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7788: Black pupil returns

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That's it, and another week passed in an instant.

During this week, Zhang Xiaofan finally recovered a lot, and he could walk on the ground like a normal person.

Although on the surface it seems that Zhang Xiaofan walked along the road and walked in vain.

But for Zhang Xiaofan now, he is more or less able to use some power, which is not the cowardly look of the handsless chicken.

At this point, Zhang Xiaofan, who had recovered his mobility, had chosen to leave the place with his red pupil.

Now, the top priority in front of Zhang Xiaofan is to find the whereabouts of Tian Cong Yun Jian as soon as possible.

After all, there is no Tian Cong Yun Jian in his hand, which will cause a lot of trouble for Zhang Xiaofan's future behaviors and many plans.

And Red pupil didn't ask much about the reason for this, so she followed Zhang Xiaofan honestly.

In this way, Zhang Xiaofan, while searching for the whereabouts of his Tian Cong Yun Jian, started practicing again.

In this way, almost two days and one night later, Zhang Xiaofan was finally able to use his own mental strength.

Although it is very weak to Zhang Xiaofan's current mental strength, but using this mental strength is enough to unlock the key of Treasure Pavilion.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't hesitate, he just took the gold sore medicine which can be used for healing from the treasure house.

Who knows, Zhang Xiaofan found another place that was quite empty and quiet, and just swallowed the healing elixir and started to run it, refining it.

"the host--!!!"

However, at this moment, I only heard a crisp and pleasant sound, but a sound full of deep surprises rang out. Zhang Xiaofan heard his words and opened his eyes. The subconsciously looked and noticed.

At this moment, there were two girls walking three steps and two steps over here.

When one of the girls saw Zhang Xiaofan, she sat cross-legged and practiced, and ran towards this side immediately.

And this girl is not someone else, it is the long-lost black pupil.

"Master, sister, that's great. I finally found your trace!"

I saw, black and red ran over, and the small face also couldn't help showing a surprise expression without any concealment.

In contrast, Zhang Xiaofan, he is still naked with his upper body.

Now that he has recovered some vitality, he stands up and slowly nodded.

At this time, another girl also followed.

However, her eyes were very indifferent. She just kept looking at Zhang Xiaofan up and down, and her face also showed a look of repulsion and disgust.

"Master, are you okay, I see that there are so many wounds on your body, and the complexion has become very bad ..."

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan nowadays, such a picture looks a little bit embarrassed. Black pupil is also extremely worried, she said.

"No harm."

Zhang Xiaofan's worry about Hei Tong just shook his hand. Now he can use his mental strength to open the treasure hall.

With the aid of elixir that can heal, then if Zhang Xiaofan wants to recover the injury in the body, then this process will be greatly reduced ...

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