The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7793: I also want to participate

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Chi Hitomi would surely pull out his Nepali machete and pierce his throat without hesitation.

"Sister Yan Ran, don't do this!"

"If you are going to do something to the master, then you will also be the enemy of the black pupil!"

At this time, Hei Tong also stood out and blocked Zhang Xiaofan.

At this moment, Hei Tong's choice at this time is still standing firmly beside Zhang Xiaofan, choosing to fight for Zhang Xiaofan.

"okay then....."

After seeing the two sisters, Hitomi and Hitomi, glaring at each other and figuring out what they were going to do with themselves, Lin Yanran also felt indignantly indignant and extremely confused.

This red pupil, what are the two sisters of the black pupil who have been infused by Zhang Xiaofan, so loyal to the young man in front of them? This is really confusing!

"It's just that I do have an extra condition here."

"You follow me to participate in the Zongmen contest, but when you participate in the Zongmen contest, you have to arrange everything for me."

Lin Yanran was also at this time, looking calm, said.

This time, Zhang Xiaofan just nodded at will, and he just went to see if there was any good treasure in this Zongmen competition.

In addition to other things, Zhang Xiaofan said that he did not care.

"it is good."

After seeing that Zhang Xiaofan had no other opinions about her proposal, Lin Yanran was relieved in her heart.

Just now, Lin Yanran was really worried about Zhang Xiaofan's "prickly head" not obeying his own arrangements. Then how should he bring this "prickly head" and red pupils, the two sisters of black pupils brought them into the middle door The question of the venue.

Just listening, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly spoke again.

"I'm looking for something else as important now."

Zhang Xiaofan directly interrupted Lin Yanran's unfinished words.

Who knows, Zhang Xiaofan didn't wait for Lin Yanran to react to this, turned around and walked in the other direction.

The red pupils and the black pupils also did not hesitate, and they followed Zhang Xiaofan step by step.

After seeing this scene, Lin Yan was also angry and stomped on the ground. The man just promised to obey all orders and obey his orders.

But nowadays, it is nothing to say, just turn around and make your own claims.

The man's behavior and actions were too aggressive and arrogant.

Lin Yanran bit her silver teeth fiercely, but eventually she chose to keep up with her head.

In short, for Lin Yanran, who has just begun to make a comeback, and who has entered the rivers and lakes is still carrying the dream of ‘unstable roads, and help each other’.

The sense of justice in Lin Yanran's heart was absolutely not allowed, and she watched her two sisters, Chi Tong and Hei Tong, being smitten by such evil people as Zhang Xiaofan.

Therefore, Lin Yanran must help Chitong, and the two sisters, Heituo and Zhang Xiaofan, should be separated from the clutch of Zhang Xiaofan as soon as possible. This is the immediate priority.

Zhang Xiaofan went to the peak of Wudumen to see if he could find the Tiancong Yunjian that he had lost.

However, it is obviously not an easy task to climb this mountain so high in the clouds.

So throughout this process ...

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