The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7797: This supervisor

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You know, this is his most precious and beloved sabre.

However, what made Lin Yanran dreaming was that Zhang Xiaofan didn't mean anything to cherish after receiving his sabre, but instead started digging with his own sword as a shovel.

"This one....."

"This bastard-!!!"

Lin Yanran felt that Zhang Xiaofan's move in this way was to intentionally humiliate her and wanted her to be forced to shoot at her.

However, in the face of Hei Tong, Lin Yanran finally made a fierce struggle in his heart, but chose to endure forcibly, and did not choose to attack on the spot.

Of course, in addition to the face of Hei Tong, naturally there is the face that Zhang Xiaofan just said to himself.

And Zhang Xiaofan, at this time he did not care about what Lin Yanran really thought.

If it wasn't for seeing what was mentioned in his mouth, Jiangdong's major rivals went to find out if there was any magic bullet that would allow Zhang Xiaofan to recover his injury as soon as possible and further heal.

Then, according to Zhang Xiaofan's temperament and character, he didn't agree with each other long ago, so he drove Lin Yanran away.

At this point, Zhang Xiaofan stood quietly and watched Hei Tong holding Lin Yanran's sword constantly. Digging is nothing but the soil here.

Because before that, Zhang Xiaofan and the old man fought the earth-shattering battle.

This resulted in the soil layer being very loose, and it was impossible for people to dig it down.

However, what Zhang Xiaofan needs is not on the surface, but far below.

But I have been digging it this way, even the black pupil feels that there is some feeling of physical weakness.

Later, Hei Tong let his sister Chi Tong continue to hold Lin Yanran's sabre and began to dig down.

In this way, the two sisters of the red pupil and the black pupil exchange each other, and you change me, I change you, and so on, digging deeper into the cave.

"Hey, are you really big guys ?!"

"You just let the two little girls plan for you, but you're in front of the supervisor in a leisurely manner, so kind!"

After seeing this scene, Lin Yanran was mainly unable to stand a little. She took three steps and made two steps and came to Zhang Xiaofan, straightly yelled at him, said.

"Oh, what's wrong with me?"

I saw, Zhang Xiaofan's expression was still calm and indifferent as before, he shrugged his shoulders, and said with a soft and light tone.

After hearing Zhang Xiaofan's remarks, Lin Yanran was so angry that she was so angry that she was speechless to Zhang Xiaofan.

You say, why is this man so shameless and so shameless?

With this in mind, Lin Yanran continued in anger, Tao said.

"Ha ha....."

"You man is really shameless and shameless!"

"Of course, if you are distressed by the red and black pupils, then I think you can go down and help the two sisters."

"Rather than here, tell me such nonsense nonsense."

Before Lin Yanran continued to speak, Zhang Xiaofan's tone was cold, and she directly interrupted what she didn't say afterwards.

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