The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7806: Do you see me bird you

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I saw that among these three young men, one of them, the young man with a stubborn eyebrow, could not help but speak.

"I don't know about it."

Just now, Lin Yanran was very concise about the matter and did not fully articulate it.

After listening to it, Song Zhiming shrugged helplessly, still feeling uncomfortable in his heart.

Seeing that the young man was pale, maybe it was a young man who had been hollowed out by wine, and the two twin sisters might be the imprisonment of this young man.

So he just showed such arrogance.

At this time, another young man could not help but speak.

"Oh, what's the big deal?"

"How many rich and expensive men are calling for our Haisheng Temple every year, but what kind of capital do the masters of a gigantic family have in front of us?"

Song Zhiming thought he couldn't help humming afterwards. He also felt that his teacher's analysis was very convincing.

And this young man is not a cultivator, but in their eyes, it looks more like a young master who relies on his own family for a little money and power, which is not worth mentioning.

Now, it's hard for them to think that they are naive, that they have a few stinks of money on their hands and think that they can do everything without fear.

It seems that these young people really don't know anything about our terrors.

If it weren't for Lin Yanran's consideration, Song Zhiming would have already taken the lesson to teach that nirvana.

However, what I have to say is the twin sisters who just spent a long time, they really look very beautiful, and he is really blessed.

At this time, the young man with narrow eyes was also on the side, and the thief laughed.

And Song Zhiming saw that this was the cold light of the eyes, the appearance of the two women was really beautiful just now, and his temperament and elegant feeling also made him very emotional.

In any case, Song Zhiming also secretly made up his mind in his own heart, and he would take those two women as his imprisonment.

It was discovered that the two sisters, Chi Hitomi and Hei Hitomi, did not accept the food brought by Song Zhiming, and Lin Yanran also took a piece of beef from his rucksack, and handed it to the two. sisters.

After that, Lin Yanran took another look at Zhang Xiaofan and bit her silver teeth.

To be honest, if it was possible, Lin Yanran really didn't want to talk to Zhang Xiaofan.

She even said that Lin Yanran wanted to abandon this man.

But Li Yanran, after all, is from a well-known decent. If she really made her feel so hard, then Lin Yanran asked himself, still could not do it.

"Here you are, this is your beef."

After thinking of this, Lin Yanran bit a silver tooth, tore a piece of beef from her hand, and handed it to Zhang Xiaofan.

"I don't need it."

Zhang Xiaofan just glanced at the beef that Lin Yanran handed over, but he directly refused to think.

"I did not expect that Zhang Xiaofan was so ignorant of people's hearts, it was really awful!"

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan rejected such kindness, Lin Yanran took a bite of beef, thinking secretly.

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