The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7820: Lin Yanran insisted

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Song Zhiming was hurriedly shouted after being forced back by Lin Yanran with a sword, said.

Lin Yanran certainly knew Zhang Xiaofan, and he looked at it so leisurely.

At the same time, Lin Yanran felt extremely angry and angry.

However, after all, she couldn't help it. As a group like Song Zhiming was so shameless, Lin Yanran asked herself that she still couldn't watch Zhang Xiaofan, and she was brutally killed by some people such as Hai Shengdian.

"I bother--!"

"Who is a friend with you black people?"

"Either way, I can't see things like robbing others of elixir, let alone killing you next."

Lin Yanran also spoke coldly, saying word by word.

"Oh, I really don't know what to do!"

Speaking of this, Song Zhiming was also cold in the eyes, raised the sword again, and rushed towards Lin Yanran.

'call out--! ’As soon as Lin Yanran still lacked combat experience, he was dragged in place by two of them.

And Song Zhiming had found the right opportunity, and stabbed a sword on his arm in the battle with Lin Yanran, and Lin Yanran also stepped backwards for Zhong Jian and backed to Zhang Xiaofan.

Suddenly, Lin Yanran saw that the man was still so light and light, as if watching a particularly interesting show. It really is that the four words yoyo yoyo are interpreted vividly.

After seeing this scene, Lin Yanran was really going to be mad at his lungs, okay? !!

What do you say, it's all helping Zhang Xiaofan is protecting Zhang Xiaofan, isn't it? !!

But the man Zhang Xiaofan didn't mean to appreciate it at all. Instead, he held his shirt and watched the show.

To be honest, Lin Yanran now really wants to be angry, no matter if this stinky man is dead or alive.

At this time, another disciple of Hai Sheng Dian, when he saw a flaw, was approaching. It was not that he did not kill Lin Yanran, but chose to target Zhang Xiaofan.

On the other hand, Zhang Xiaofan, the expression on his face is still as plain as water, without the slightest wave, as if he is all in control of it, as if he was completely frightened by this sudden thing, and forgot it for a while Dodge.


"Just let this stinky man die like this, it's better now!"

Although Lin Yanran said that she was extremely angry, in the end, Yinya bit a sword and came forward. ’Beep.

I saw that the two swords collided together in mid-air and made a crisp metal delivery sound, and Lin Yanran fought against the comer again at this time, obviously Lin Yanran had already made her choice at this time.

In any case, Lin Yanran really couldn't get over the level in her heart!

Therefore, Lin Yanran did not want to see any of these four people hurt Zhang Xiaofan.

In Lin Yanran's eyes, Zhang Xiaofan was nothing more than an alchemist, and the two sisters, Red and Black, became her bodyguards.

So looking at this point, even if Zhang Xiaofan really has a certain combat effectiveness, his combat effectiveness should be very limited.

It was almost like this. In about fifteen minutes, Lin Yanran had been cut out of many sword wounds on his body. The scars looked very miserable .....

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