The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7826: Finally didn't run

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Lin Yanran asked herself, more or less afraid now.

Therefore, if you really let yourself carry a pack and go to the place where you want to go, it is obviously a bit unrealistic.

Early the next morning--

The sun was shining and the weather was good. Zhang Xiaofan also opened his eyes slowly at this time. The two sisters, Red Head and Black Pupil, stood by their side all night and did not choose to fall asleep in the middle of the night.

As for Lin Yanran, she was also sitting under a big tree not far away, and she slept like a pig, so she drooled.

Originally, Lin Yanran didn't want to sleep like this.

But in the end, Lin Yanran couldn't stand it, and finally leaned on the big tree, and fell asleep stupidly.

Zhang Xiaofan stood up and saw Lin Yanran, and when she came to her side, she saw Lin Yanran's eyes closed at this time, her face was more or less white, and she also had a lot of trauma caused by sword marks. .

Needless to say, these traumas on Lin Yanran were all injured by those in the Haisheng Hall led by Song Zhiming.

"Hei Tong, you undress Lin Yanran."

After Zhang Xiaofan looked at Lin Yanran for a while, he set his eyes on the black pupil beside him, said.

Heitong naturally didn't hesitate to go straight to start **** Lin Yanran, but from the perspective of Heitong, she didn't think her master had any special thoughts on Lin Yanran.

Although Lin Yanran looks very good, it is obviously worse than Hei Tong and her sister's market.

In addition, the physical flexibility of the red and black pupils can be said to be very good. It has reached the level of an acrobat, can perform many difficult actions, and can also be done by ordinary people. posture.

It can be said that as long as Zhang Xiaofan has an idea, then Black Hitomi and her sister Chi Hitomi will not refuse.

However, for the two sisters, Zhang Xiaofan had never done anything or made excessive demands.

It is not difficult to see from this point that Zhang Xiaofan is definitely not a reckless man. After thinking of this, Hei Tong will completely undress Lin Yanran's clothes.

That white snow-like snow muscle was exposed to the air in this way, but some shame on this snow muscle was that there were blood-stained sword marks and trauma on Lin Yanran's white and smooth skin.

These sword marks and traumas are as shocking as those, which can make the scalp numb after watching it.

Especially in the position of Lin Yanran's chest, there was a scar in the middle position.

It can be said that if Song Zhiming's sword was stabbed to the left a little bit, then I'm afraid it wasn't Lin Yanran's chest at this time, but Lin Yanran's heart.

It was also at this time that Lin Yanran finally realized that there was a hint of coolness in her body.

At the same time, Lin Yanran also opened her eyes fiercely. When she could see that Zhang Xiaofan was actually in front of her, Lin Yanran was slightly surprised.

Soon, Lin Yanran realized afterwards that she was now open.


"Zhang Xiaofan, you ..."

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