The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7854: You don't know his name

"You are so stupid, that man is Zhang Xiaofan, the big man who wiped out Chi Youtang, a farmer of hundreds of families!"

I saw that the bald-headed cultivator was also terrified and shouted.

The same is the alchemy master's identity, plus the same figure and temperament, the same arrogance and domineering, the key is the young man's name, is it not called Zhang Xiaofan? ! !

"There is no doubt that the man you encountered before, he is the young man who destroyed the Longjia Chi Youtang!"

With the remarks of the bald self-cultivator, all the self-cultivators present were shocked and their jaws were about to hit the ground.

Is it true that the young man who destroyed Chi Youtang with only one hand is the man? ! !

After all, the news of the collapse of the farmhouse Chiyou Church is naturally spreading out in ten and ten spreads, but in the Plain Province it is relatively far away from the northwest region where Chiyou Church is located.

However, they also know a few words.

In the rumors, this is just a young man who has subverted the entire Chi Youtang alone, but how can this happen? !

Therefore, these people present were just taking this sentence as a joke, to erroneously tell the truth, they still understand the truth that three people become tigers and five people become images.

This must be that there is a big sect that is unknown to one side, and then the Xiutang is erased from this world.

Maybe, this big force is all from the self-directed and self-directed performance of the dragon's anti-scale.

The purpose of Dragon's Reverse Scale is mainly to not arouse the anger and resistance of the self-cultivators. Only then is it a ridiculous lie that only an unknown genius teenager wiped out Chi Youtang.

However, when Zhang Xiaofan really appeared in front of everyone, these innocent people were scared one by one.

Unexpectedly, the man who should have only existed in the legend actually exists in real life? !

What's more, he came to this plain province alone as a single person. A person can really wipe out the madman of the farmhouse Chi Youtang by himself.

Looking back at Wan Lei Men, how could this little sect only be in the power of the Plains Province to resist the anger of this man?

In fact, what this group of cultivators do n’t know is that for Zhang Xiaofan, it ’s not just the farmhouse that he subverts. Chi Youtang is so simple.

What he overthrew was that even the guardian sect on the river was almost slaughtered by Zhang Xiaofan.

Moreover, at that time, only the elders of the nine elders of the Shanghe School survived, and one of them was Su Wanqing.

However, this can be regarded as Su Wan'er's ingenuity talent in the Shanghe School is also really good. After getting the spirit stone given by Zhang Xiaofan, Zhang Xiaofan also gave it to him by accident, an elixir he had refined.

For Zhang Xiaofan, the two can be considered a transaction.

With the help of this elixir, maybe Su Wan'er can really go further and even lead the Shanghe School again.

However, all the news has been completely blocked by the dragon's counterscale, and there is no slight wind to the outside ...

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