The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7862: Is he still showing up

Among them, the five largest sites are the five major gates belonging to this plain province!

Among them are Qianbumen, Wanleimen, Haisheng Hall, Mingyuemen, and Baicao Mountain. These five great gates are the five most powerful and inviolable forces in the entire plain province.

Wu Mingsheng, Thunderstorm Cloud and Ying Xueer, the three of them are the most outstanding and outstanding genius disciples in the Plains Province today.

I saw that the three of them were standing on the roof of their own sect gate, and their eyes were also very majestic and imposing, so that everyone in the room couldn't help but ‘chuck! "Sound, shake.

However, everyone on the scene knows that the most dazzling thing today is definitely not the three geniuses who attracted the most attention, but it was rumored that one person directly defeated the entire Chi Youtang genius alchemist. !

The genius disciples secretly looked forward to the hearts of everyone present, but they did not show their figure.

"What about Xiaofan, doesn't it mean that he wiped out the whole farmhouse Chiyou Church alone?"

"Why don't you dare to show up today?"

"Ha ha....."

"Look at me, this is mostly a rumor that three people become a tiger and five people are like an image. It's a rumors that we all blame this thing for a long time."

"Imagine the big guy, how could a person destroy the entire Chiyou Hall? How could this happen?"

"You know, although Chiyou Hall is not a big door, it is just one of the six lobby entrances of the hundred farmhouses of Zhuzi."

"But despite this, Chi Youtang, who is backed by the farming family, has a pivotal position at least in the Northwest."

"It is true that even if it is a step back 10,000 steps, the overall strength of the Great Northwest is not comparable to that of our plain province, but this is not one of the cats and dogs that can be destroyed by one hand.

"What's more, it's still a young man in his dissatisfaction who can do all this."

A group of practitioners who were present in Tianmenxia, ​​they all talked about me at this time.

After all, the strongest and overbearing Zhang Xiaofan is the most important thing in everyone ’s mind now, but now people ca n’t find him, which is hard to doubt.

"That's right, not to mention that the innocents on our plains gathered together, and even the elders of the various sects, they are all sitting here."

"Even if Zhang Xiaofan really dared to come over at this time, then I think he should come over with his tail gray, honestly, absolutely not dare to make it!"

"So, our big guy still doesn't have to look forward to the appearance of Zhang Xiaofan, he still looks forward to it, and looks forward to the next Zongmen competition."

At this time, there were many innocents. The Plain Pavilion in their mouths was the highest rooftop of Tianmen Gorge before, and there were already several elders from various forces here.

Before that, the old Zhou surname Zhang Xiaofan encountered was also impressive.

"I said, Old Zhou, what about Zhang Xiaofan, why hasn't he appeared yet?"

"He came to our plains province, and he must have come to our ancestors than the martial arts. Since he came to our ancestors than me ..."

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