The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 8051: This deal is very cost-effective

"Actually, the five of us are not really afraid of him Zhang Xiaofan."

"Even if we really tear the face off with that little fan completely, if we fight with one, then the five of us join forces to fight the enemy."

"So, even if Zhang Xiaofan really has three heads and six arms, that is not a united enemy of the five of us."

I saw that at this time, Jin Yuzhong was still staring closely at the midair, and his eyes were filled with dignified colors, Tao.

"As the saying goes, bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes."

"This man, he is an out-and-out lunatic, an out-and-out combat maniac. In China, he relied on one slaughter after another, which made many Chinese cultivators in the Chinese realm realm be frightened and frightened!

"Therefore, this man has a heavenless deity in China. Zhang Wutian is so famous."

Speaking of which, Jin Yuzhong's tone slightly changed, and he continued immediately, said.

"Once our Jin family provokes him, then there will be no peace for our family, and we will definitely be subjected to all kinds of crazy revenge from this fighting maniac."

"So, our family doesn't provoke him unless he can provoke him."

"But one day in the future, if we really decide to be against him."

"Then, our Jin family must be prepared to kill this son with a blow."

"So, tonight, our Jin family just paid the price of a thousand-year-old Korean ginseng, which avoided the head-on conflict with this man and did not win a precious development period for our Jin family."

"This transaction is still very cost-effective in the eyes of the old man."

"Especially when compared with Dongying Xiuzhen Realm.

After mentioning Dong Yingxiu's real world, Jin Yuzhong's heart felt a sense of gratification.

It is true that their Jin family lost a thousand-year-old Korean ginseng in this confrontation with Zhang Xiaofan.

But if the loss between the real world and Dongying Xiuzhen's realm is greater than that of their Jin family, in the eyes of Dongying Xiuzhen's eyes, it seems that even Jiu Niu is not a good one? !

You should know that Dongying Xiuzhen realm was not only not forgetting the sixth day of the sixth day family of Dongying First Cultivation Family, but also forgotten the river in the face of Zhang Xiaofan ’s **** slaughter. .

At the Tsukiji Shrine, Zhang Xiaofan killed Dongying's major families with one sword at a time.

After that, Zhang Xiaofan even removed the Tian Cong Serpent from the seal of the Tsukuba Shrine, and forcibly took out the Tian Cong Yun Jian from the stomach of his Ba Qi Serpent by means of thunder and made it his own.

After this World War I, Dongying Xiuzhen Realm lost his wife and collapsed his soldiers. Not only the sixth day of forgetting this mythical figure of Dongyingxiu Realm fell, but even his son The Sixth Day Devil was not spared.

After that, Zhang Xiaofan was taken away by Tian Congyun Jian, one of the three artifacts of Dongying's national treasure. Since then, Dongying's realm of truth has fallen into disappointment, and its reputation in the international realm of truth has collapsed.

Otherwise, there will not be an opportunity for Silla's real world to rise afterwards.

Therefore, in such a miserable situation, Jinyu Center Central Africa not only has any discomfort, but even feels a bit dark. I feel that this transaction is really profitable. Is there any?

This move not only saved the Seoul Jin family, but also saved the entire Shilla realm from the edge of the crisis, okay?

If, today, you really want to be a tendon, relying on the group of masters behind the dragon headed by Mu Hongming, and Zhang Xiaofan dies, the consequences are simply unthinkable.

By then, it is not only that their Jin family will be completely removed from the Shilla realm like the sixth day family five years ago, it is possible to completely ruin the entire realm!

Thinking of this possibility, Jin Yuzhong felt that his hanbok in his back was soaked in cold sweat. How could one be scared? !

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