The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 820: The pinnacle of life in the mentally handicapped


"Congratulations to Mr. Wu in Box 250, who successfully auctioned this statue of Buddha from the North and South Dynasties."

"After a while, one of our auction staff will deliver the Buddha statue to Mr. Wu in your hands!"


After seeing the Buddha statue finally settled in the dust, everyone in the field took a sigh of cold air at the same time.

I have to say that tonight.

It is really a lesson for these high-ranking big men in Shengzhou.

A statue of a Buddha from the North and South Dynasties, actually ... actually sold a sky-high price of 20 million?

You know, this is just an ordinary Buddha statue in the North and South Dynasties.

It's not tens of millions.

The "Yuanxuan Gold and Bronze Buddha Statue" with the highest statue level during the Yongle and Xuande years of the Ming Dynasty, with a total of 100 million and 200 million Huaxia coins.

For this statue of the Buddha from the North and South Dynasties.

The ability to sell for 20 million has exceeded the imagination of many people present.

I heard the female auctioneer spit out the words "deal!"

It is no exaggeration to say that this is simply the most beautiful and beautiful note he has ever heard of Wu Zihao.

At this time, Wu Zihao often exhaled.

Although there was sweat on his forehead, it was still difficult to hide his flushing complexion with excitement.

Wu Zihao couldn't hide his excitement. He left his box at the moment when the auction was successful.

Directly came to the No. 21 box where Zhang Xiaofan was located.

Pushing in, I saw Zhang Xiaofan sitting inside.

Wu Zihao is like a **** from a struggle.

Enjoying the most glorious and glorious moment of his life!

Because in his opinion, he has now become a real billionaire.

Finally don't have to be like before.

As Chen Jiaxin's little white face, every day I watch Chen Jiaxin's face live!

His Wu Zihao finally reached the pinnacle of his life tonight.

And compared to this bright self.

At this moment his enemies were so overshadowed in front of him.

This is exactly like a successful winner, overlooking another candidate.

The kind of pride and pride that comes from the bones!

The so-called promotion and salary increase, became the general manager, became ceo {CEO}, married Bai Fumei, and reached the peak of life.

Describe it, it should be yourself at this time!

With this in mind, Wu Zihao spit on the ground fiercely.

Laughing at Zhang Xiaofan, he said:

"Hey, a hunk is a hunk."

"Surely you want to compete financially with Ben Da?"

"I think you are delusional!"

"Now you know, what does it mean to have less hate when money is used?"

"Now understand how awkward it is to miss the treasure from your eyes?"


For Wu Zihao's own calculations, he also picked up how much cheaper mental retardation.

To be honest, Zhang Xiaofan has no interest in this kind of mental retardation.

He glanced directly at Guo Yunyu and Li Tianxiang in the box, and then left.

Because he had just received news that the base of the Buddha statue was now in hand.

Treasures came first, and Zhang Xiaofan naturally was too lazy to waste time on Wu Zihao's mental retardation.

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