The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 823: Mysterious ancient jade

Between words, Zhang Xiaofan had torn a pack of wipes at this time.

Then use a wet wipe to carefully wipe the bottom of the base.

In this way, it only took less than 10 minutes.

A very obvious gap is clearly presented in front of everyone present.

"Wow, there is really a dark grid!"

Seeing this, Qin Xiyan could not help but surprise, said.

At the same time, looking at Zhang Xiaofan's beautiful eyes, he passed a touch of different colors again.

In Qin Xiyan's opinion, Zhang Xiaofan is simply a walking figure "Baidu".

Not only in the medical field, he has such unpredictable strength.

Even in the realm of Jianbao, even his grandpa.

And Uncle Li, a big collector who has been immersed in this way for decades.

Neither is Zhang Xiaofan's opponent.

How much surprise does the teenager in front of her give?

At this time, for Qin Xiyan, the iceberg female president.

Looking at myself, there was a look of worship.

Zhang Xiaofan has no time to take care of it.

He now, but wholeheartedly put his attention in the dark grid of the base in front of him.

See you, under Zhang Xiaofan's orders.

Guo Yundi quickly put a toolbox in front of him.

Zhang Xiaofan opened the tool box and took out four rubber suckers directly from it.

Then, fix the four rubber suckers to the four top corner positions of the dark grid.


After being fixed, Zhang Xiaofan gently pulled the rope above.

A crisp voice sounded, and the dark grid was opened by an echo.

Soon, a piece of rosewood, an inch or so, was pulled out by its suction cup.

Then they saw a dark cell the size of a baby's fist.

In this dark grid, at this time there was an object wrapped in bright yellow silk.

It is also exposed to everyone's eyes!

However, when Zhang Xiaofan opened the bright yellow silk cloth.

I saw that there was an ancient jade wrapped in silk.

Then, there are mottled marks left over from these years on this ancient moon.

From the outer surface alone, it is not difficult to see that this ancient jade should have a long age.

"Did it happen that the ancient jade that was passed down during the Wu Zhou period failed?"

After seeing this ancient jade.

Everyone, subconsciously, thought that this piece of ancient jade that had been hidden by the original owner's thoughts.

In itself, it should have a very unusual origin.

However, when Guo Yunzheng and Li Tianxiang and Qin Xiyan took a closer look.

It is found that the ancient jade is not only exquisite in its workmanship.

Even from some knife workers and starting positions, it is obvious that they can be rough.

And that's not all.

Perhaps it was because this ancient jade was obviously not effectively preserved before being placed in the dark grid.

Even, they can see a lot of bump marks from the bump in this ancient jade.

Another last point is also the most critical point.

That is, none of them found any models on this ancient jade.

Since we cannot find the model, we cannot prove the origin and background of the ancient jade.

"It looks like this is just an ordinary ancient jade, nothing special!"

As one of the few people who has the deepest understanding of jade antiques, and also has the most right to speak.

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