The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 850: There is no hidden danger at all

At least, from the perspective of Zhang Xiaofan.

He still didn't want it, Li Muxue saw a lot of things about this woman.

"Xiao Fan, thank you for what happened today."

It was in Zhang Xiaofan's mind that he was thinking about coping with some unexpected situations that might happen next.

Just when Li Muxue suddenly spoke beside her, she said.

"Oh, thank you to me?"

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head, smiling slightly, said.

"You are not unclear."

"I am a code of conduct for people."

"I don't like it all the time, leaving nothing hidden behind me."

"Although this group of people is not a hidden danger at all."

Indeed, for Zhang Xiaofan.

When you are absolutely sure that you can play with each other's life between applause.

It doesn't matter what status or status the other party has.

In Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, these have become less important.

As long as you are "clearing the field", keep your hands and feet clean.

Don't leave it to him. Anything against him is enough.

You know, Zhang Xiaofan was in the presence of Liu Shengyao.

Kill the group of evil men led by Brother Tiger!


What else did he not dare to do?

Li Muxue didn't say much when he heard Zhang Xiaofan say this.

Indeed, it may offend the Kowloon Gang to ordinary people.

This is indeed a calamity.

After all, the Jiulong Gang has taken root in Luzhou for many years.

It can be said that the forces of all parties are intertwined.

In terms of the influence of Chenzhou's underground forces, Chenzhou is the absolute leader who holds the leading position.

Among them, Shao Wénqiáng, the boss of the Kowloon Gang.

It was even called the underground emperor of Shengzhou.

But how about this?

In the eyes of ordinary people, these may be daunting.

Talking about the horror of discoloration.

In Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, it cannot constitute any threat to it at all.

Even when I first met Zhang Xiaofan from Li Muxue.

Zhang Xiaofan dared to rush in front of so many people in front of Shao wénqiáng's temple.

Not to mention now!

So far, Li Muxue has shown amazing power to Zhang Xiaofan that day.

Nowadays, always think of it.

I can't calm down for a long time!

"Om ... um ... um ..."

Just when Zhang Xiaofan was preparing to say something.

At this moment, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Zhang Xiaofan took out his mobile phone and saw that the caller ID was Shao Wenhua.

An expressive smile suddenly appeared on his face, said.

"Mr. Shao, why do you remember calling me today?"

As soon as Zhang Xiaofan's voice fell off, Shao Wenhua's slightly charming voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Master Zhang, I went to your school just now."

"Your roommate said, you went to the First People's Hospital today."

"Master Zhang, it is inconvenient for us to visit the hospital now."

Zhang Xiaofan smiled meaningfully and said:

"Okay, just now there is a good show to invite you to watch."

Shao Wenhua, who had just hung up, was bewildered at this time.

He didn't understand, Zhang Xiaofan told him on the phone.

What does it mean to show him a good show?

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