The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 874: Ge Hong's backer

This is a great way to satisfy yourself while playing chess and earn extra money.

How can he miss it?

Ge Hong: "Come, come, come! Don't leave, the battle will be until dawn! {A hook finger expression.}

Ge Hong: "In the second set, let's play a big 2,000 merit?"

"War, war, war! {A provocative look.}"

After seeing this news from Ge Hong, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help but hesitate.

However, he is not stupid. He was playing against Ge Hong last time.

Zhang Xiaofan also had a clear understanding of Ge Hong's chess skills.

From a single point of view, this Ge Hong's level of Go is also abusive to the pig ring.

At best, it will be comparable to ordinary computers.

Whatever it says, it can't be an opponent of a difficult computer.

But now, Ge Hong is less than half a month.

From the past, you can only fight the five residues of a simple computer.

Suddenly, it became a great god-level player who completely abused a computer.

If there is no one behind Ge Hong to help him.

Well, this will kill Zhang Xiaofan, he will not believe it!

He sneered in his heart, thinking secretly.

"Hum, since you're doing the first day, don't blame me for being fifteen!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan directly adjusted the difficulty mode of playing Go.

Go directly from the original difficult mode Go to cold mode!

At the same time, Zhang Xiaofan did not forget to reply to Ge Hong.

I'm Mengxin {Zhang Xiaofan}: "I said, Ge Hong, can we be big?"

"Don't be so small, let's play big!"

"100,00 points of merit!"

"If, if I lose."

"Just right, and return the merit that you won last time."


Zhang Xiaofan had a conspiracy smirk on his face.

It makes sense, in fact, Zhang Xiaofan is just a computer model of Go.

Adjusting to the cold mode is enough to take care of Ge Hong's face.

If, if he really wants to enjoy the abuse of Ge Hong.

Well, he can now adjust the computer's difficulty mode to "crazy" mode!

Be aware of this "crazy" model.

Even at the beginning, Huaxia Go master.

Following the maddening computer game, they were eventually killed and left behind.

Therefore, in Zhang Xiaofan's opinion.

Although Ge Hong's helper was very powerful.

However, it is not difficult to see from the previous chess games.

The person who helped Ge Hong was, at best, better than a difficult computer.

It is definitely not a game against a cold computer.

So, kill the chicken with a bull's knife?

A ruthless computer can teach these two people to be human in minutes!

Why use a crazy computer again?

Just when Zhang Xiaofan's heart crackled.

At this moment, in the heavens above Jiuxiao.

After seeing the news from "I am Mengxin", Ge Hong.

With a big mouth, it almost didn't reach the ear directly.

The one who laughs is proud, and the one who laughs is publicity!


"It seems that this cute new fairy friend is really cute!"

"It's really a newborn calf not afraid of tigers!"

"Actually, talking to Zhang Tian

Teacher, dare you take the initiative to add chips? "

"I don't know how high the sky is!"

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