The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 883: Zhang Tianshi's abacus

He was discovered, this Daoling is clearly here to entertain himself!

However, just when Zhang Xiaofan was preparing to smile on his face.

When Zhang Daoling was added to the blacklist.

At this point, WeChat sounded.

He looked down at Zhang Daoling and sent another message.

Zhang Daoling: "Well ... nothing!"

"Look at Xianyou, you really need this mysterious magic weapon."

"The heavenly master will just make it difficult for you to refine it!"

I'm Mengxin {张小凡}: "Oh? This relationship is good!"

Zhang Daoling: "Stop, stop, don't thank me first."

"I want to talk about the ugly thing first!"

"I want to make a mysterious magic weapon."

"Only relying on a piece of inferior Lingyu, this is far from enough!"

"If you can't provide other materials over there."

"The materials needed for refining the magic weapon, but I will charge it!"

I'm Mengxin {张小凡}: "No problem, I'll give it!"

Zhang Daoling: "Also, do you have a meaning for my labor costs? {A finger-finger expression behind}."

Zhang Xiaofan saw Zhang Daoling's shameless attitude.

I was too lazy to follow the old man's nonsense and reply directly, said.

I'm Mengxin {张小凡}: "No problem, labor costs are also given!"

But this time, Zhang Daoling didn't send any news.

It was a series of smirk expressions to Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Daoling: "I heard that you won 200,000 merit with Ge Hong Laoer."

"I don't fool you!"

"In addition to this material fee plus labor costs, you will receive 100,00 merit in total!"

I'll go to you. Grandpa!

Zhang Xiaofan saw the hair on the spot!

Although, Zhang Daoling charges here.

Indeed, it is better than those other unscrupulous fairies in the former Tianting chat group.

In terms of fees, it is much lower.

However, the special 100,00 merit.

Compared with the group of unscrupulous fairies in the Tianting chat group, it is also a shilling.

However, just when Zhang Xiaofan was going to run away.

At this time, there was another news from Zhang Daoling.

However, Zhang Daoling's news this time was neither a textual content nor an emoji.

Instead, a list of items in the treasure chest.

And, the price list of these items.

Exactly, they correspond to some materials needed for refining magic weapons.

In total, the material cost has nearly 7,000 merit.

The remaining 3,000 merit, I think Zhang Daoling asked for labor costs.

Nima, 3,000 points for the worker fee!

If you do n’t play with it, is n’t this special rip-off?

I'm Mengxin {张小凡}: "Can you charge less for labor costs?"

Zhang Xiaofan was still reluctant.

These 200,00 points of merit, just in your pocket have not covered it.

On this side, Zhang Daoling cut his meat and cut it in half ...

Zhang Daoling: "Don't bargain, dear!"

"Your grandfather!"

Zhang Xiaofan only felt that there were 10,000 Cao Nima in his heart ...

Zhang Daoling is an old boy of his own.

This is clearly the modern version of Zhou Zhipi, okay?

Extremely inappropriate!

However, there is no way.

Compared to other immortals who are more unruly.

This Daoling is still ...

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