The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 886: Five Thunder Peach Sword

Moreover, after Zhang Xiaofan reached the foundation.

While possessing mana in the body, you can also make magic weapons!

By that time, you don't need to be like this.

Zhang Daoling, this shameless old man, gave a rip-off.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan simply left the canteen and returned to the dormitory.

At this time, Qian Zhiyi dated his little girlfriend Cao Ruxue.

Therefore, only Zhang Xiaofan is in the dormitory at this time.

At this time, he directly took out his mobile phone and found the Five Thunder Peach Sword in Jumbo Pavilion.

And clicked on it.

"Excuse me, host, do you want to extract the Five Thunder Peach Sword!"


After Zhang Xiaofan clicked the confirmation button.

I saw that the mobile phone in my hand shook slightly.

Then, immediately afterwards, I saw you.

On the phone screen, at this moment, a bright golden mang suddenly lights up.

After that, as the Golden Mang gradually dissipated.

Zhang Xiaofan looked down, and then he saw the true face of Lushan, a five-mine peach sword.

Seeing this, in Zhang Xiaofan's right hand, palm of his hand.

At this time, there is an extra peach sword about 4-5 cm.

And, in the hilt position of this peach sword.

It is inlaid, and a jade with brilliance and brilliance throughout.

It was just the piece of inferior jade that Zhang Xiaofan handed to Zhang Daoling.

And that's not the point.

The point is, the moment Zhang Xiaofan saw these five thunder peach swords.

As a whole, I almost almost burst my lungs!

What is it, this is just a pit father, let me go!

This ... this special force is a sanwu product.


What a peculiar thing, is an outright fake magic weapon?

Whose magic weapon is this bear-like?

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan went to Zhang Daoling angrily for an explanation.

I'm Mengxin {Zhang Xiaofan}: "Zhang Daoling, are you special?"

"Now, immediately, immediately!"

"Roll out to Lao Tzu mellowly !!!!!! {plus three angry expressions at the back}."

Zhang Daoling: "Shit, have you taken qiāng medicine? {A suspicious expression on the back}"

Zhang Xiaofan didn't speak.

Open the WeChat camera function directly, and take a picture of this mini peach sword in your hand.

Send it directly to Zhang Daoling.

Zhang Daoling: "Yes, this is the five-mine peach sword I made for you."

"Any questions?"

I'm Mengxin {Zhang Xiaofan}: "Specially, do you still have any questions to ask me?"

"The problem is getting bigger, can it still be called a magic weapon?"

"What the **** are you kidding me about!"

Zhang Daoling: "Hi, this fairy friend."

"I didn't tell you clearly before."

"You friend, the friend's true value is too low."

"No mana is condensed in the body."

"The five thunder peach swords can only exert their true magical effect when they are urged by mana!"

"But don't be discouraged by your friend."

"I just added something to you just now."

"He is just now unable to give full play to the power of these five thunder peach swords."

"But, play half the power of these five thunder peach swords."

"That's fine."


Such as exorcising evil and avoiding evil, and controlling thunder and lightning to become king of thunder and lightning or something. "

"In short, it's just great!"

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