The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 891: See also Shao Mingzhu

I would actually see Zhang Xiaofan here and now!

This woman is not someone else--

It was the last time, Shao Mingzhu, a **** stunner who hadn't met for a while.

For Shao Mingzhu, he looked at him with surprise.

Zhang Xiaofan bent his lips, and went in with a smile.

"Mr. Shao, is this?"

At this point, at the end of the lobby.

Among them, there is a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, confused, said.

"Mr. Zhou, this is Master Zhang."

"This time, I invited you to accompany me to this Jianbao Conference."

Shao wénqiáng's face was positive, and introduced to the middle-aged man, said.

At this point, Zhang Xiaofan did not pay attention.

On the man with the national character face sitting on the top.

Instead, it was placed on an old man in a red Tang suit sitting at his lower position.

I see, although the old man is not tall.

Only one meter seven two to one meter seven or four.

Judging by his appearance, the old man should be 70 years old.

However, the old man's temple is high up.

Both arms are also unusually stout and strong.

The forearm exposed outside the Tang suit is covered with blood vessels with the thickness of the little finger!

Moreover, he had a thick layer of calluses on one of his hands.

Obviously, this physical state.

Appearing on an old man who is old, obviously very abnormal!

"Looks like ..."

"This is supposed to be the man who is in charge of the town tonight, right?"

"The strength is not bad. He is a master of foreign boxing."

However, just as Zhang Xiaofan made a preliminary assessment of the old man's strength.

At this time, I heard another person sitting next to the teacher's chair.

It was a sudden sneer, said.

"Shao wénqiáng, I think you're really going back and forth!"

"Actually, I found this young boy with a stinky hairy hair to help you out in the town of Kowloon?"

"I'm afraid it's not, aren't you guys in Kowloon?"

"If you're nobody, what else is there to talk about?"

"You're direct and honest, let your territory out!"

Shao wénqiáng looked cold and drank, said.

"Liu Yihu, this is Luzhou, not yours!"

"If you can't control your mouth anymore, I'm afraid you won't get out of this box!"


The man named Liu Yihu was stunned when he heard it.

Then suddenly he laughed on his back again, said.

"I said Shao wénqiáng!"

"After all, is it the courage to speak to me like this?"

"If yes, your master Luo Hongwu is here!"

"I Liu Yihu, without a word, immediately rolled back to Hangzhou!"

Talking, Liu Yihu shook his finger at Shao Wenhua, dismissive.

"But, it's just you shao wénqiáng ..."

"Not qualified yet!"

This Liu Yihu is the leader of the Tigers.

Behind it, there is a row of tall men wearing sunglasses and suits.

From the other side, that raised the suit's raised shoulders and cuffs.

It is not difficult to see.

These people, of course, are not a general generation!

Also in the Tigers' Gang, that is also the elite thug who chooses thousands of miles!

And beside Liu Yihu, the same

There was also a man wearing a Tibetan blue sun suit.

He Fa Tong Yan Yan the old man.

Compared to the old man in a red Tang suit.

The old man in Zhongshan suit apparently has a more restrained breath.

At this point, he was half-opened and closed, as if he was lying.

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