The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 930: The goblin routine!

Shao Mingzhu held the sheep scorpion in the pot while leaning forward slightly.

He got closer, and whispered.

Shao Mingzhu was exhaling like a blue orchid at the moment, and her mouth was mixed with a scent of perfume and a strong wine fragrance.

Two strange fragrances were sprayed on Zhang Xiaofan's face like this.

have to say...

Zhang Xiaofan is now sadly aware that Xiao Xiaofan is no longer lonely.

He felt like he was being teased.

Feeling a little irritable!


Zhang Xiaofan coughed twice, slightly awkwardly, said.

As soon as Shao Mingzhu heard it, his eyes began to shine.

She patted Zhang Xiaofan's arm and laughed.

"Uh, uh, uh ..."

"I think you are a very straight man!"

"The wind and rain in the Qinglong Hall just now, domineering!"

"Especially your look of Thunder, how aggressive!"

"But you are so domineering."

"How could it be a án?"

"It's not scientific!"

"Yes, how did you spend the night alone for so many years?"

"It won't, in the middle of a cold night."

"Suddenly you feel lonely and cold, sleepless?"

Zhang Xiaofan: "I have a mother who sells criticism, I don't know if I should talk about it ..."

"I said, Miss Shao, you are also a woman."

"Also, she is a beautiful and **** woman."

"You say, can we not pay more attention to the occasion of speaking?"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Shao Mingzhu, and that beautiful face was close at hand.

Ruddy little mouth, while eating the freshly lamb scorpion in the bowl.

While talking about some ambiguous, ambiguous topics.

There are even several times.

Zhang Xiaofan can feel that the heat of the other party's speech has sprayed on his face.

"I. Damn it!"

"This is not a car to kindergarten!"

"I want to get off, I want to get off !!!"

Zhang Xiaofan laughed secretly in his heart.

I could n’t answer what I said before!

Once I have to open this head.

It was based on his understanding of Shao Mingzhu's "fairy".

If you don't know, there will be no way to arouse yourself.

So, the only thing Zhang Xiaofan can do now ...

Just silently ...

eat hot pot!

Although Zhang Xiaofan was so hard-hearted, he wanted to hang out of exemption cards.

However, all thoughts have been taken.

It's all about how to put this little man in front of Shao Mingzhu who fell.

She had no reason at all, just so easily let go of Zhang Xiaofan's plan.

At this point, three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes.

Shao Mingzhu suddenly reached out his hand.

Slender jade fingers, so you gently pinch Zhang Xiaofan's forearm.

Shao Mingzhu's fingers were slightly cold.

The soft and icy touch made Zhang Xiaofan's heart sway slightly.

"Wow, Xiaofan, your arms are really strong!"

"I can't see it in my clothes."

"But touch it."

"It's so thin in clothes and meaty in undressing!"

Then, Shao Mingzhu gave Zhang Xiaofan a charming white look, giggled and said.

"Do you work hard every night ..."

"What hard work ?!"

Zhang Xiaofan didn't return to Weier at the beginning.

Before, this goblin didn't talk about whether he was án.

Why are you talking now?

From án, transfer to ...

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