The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 932: You are being watched!

In this way, accompanied Zhang Xiaofan to drink.

Both had a glass of wine and their stomachs remained unchanged.

This could not help but let the men secretly aiming at them.

I feel ashamed one by one!

At this time, at a dining table not far from them.

There are several young people around to eat hot pot.

At this moment, they turned their heads and looked at them from time to time.

And, from time to time, point out.

Anxious and greedy eyes looked at Shao Mingzhu's enchanting figure without reservation.

From time to time, bursts of insignificant snickers were also emitted.

All of them were wearing white vests.

The naked arms are tattooed.

Some of them have big bald heads, while others dye their hair mohair.

Needless to say, there must be some juniors in this neighborhood.

As for Zhang Xiaofan and Shao Mingzhu.

At this time, they were drinking wine and eating hot pot.

There is a sentence, every chat.

As if they hadn't noticed, their group of people had bad intentions.

At this time, the waiter of the hot pot restaurant was taking the time to serve them.

He whispered a reminder in Zhang Xiaofan's ear.

"Little brother, you should hurry and leave your girlfriend now."

"It's not too early now, don't you say it's our customers in the shop!"

"Mostly, the people at the table in front of you are the gangsters here."

"I guess, nine out of ten of them are after your girlfriend."

"Well, thanks for reminding me!"

For the kindness of the waiter, Zhang Xiaofan also said with a kind smile to the other party.

Although, the waiter made a special trip to remind himself.

In this, you may not be afraid of your hot pot restaurant to wait for a while.

After all, everyone is open to business.

If it is because of Zhang Xiaofan.

Let the nearby gangsters roar around his hot pot restaurant.

For the future business of their hot pot restaurant, that will definitely have an impact!

However, whether or not the waiter has his own selfishness in this regard.

However, since others are able to come over here, I would like to say hello and wake up.

This is kindness!

After all, in this indifferent society.

It is rare to have such a kind person.

Now most people are holding a pair of sweeping snow in front of the door, which has nothing to do with their high hanging mentality.

For this kind of thing, it is good to not fall into the trap.

"Let's have a plate of Chiba fat beef again, and see if you like it."

Zhang Xiaofan saw Shao Mingzhu obviously had a soft spot for this Chiba fat cow.

Could not help asking, said.

"Again, fat cattle are delicious."

"But the calories are not small, and I'm afraid that eating too much will grow meat at night."

"And, if not with you."

"I eat any oats at night, and the fruit and vegetable salad will work."

"It's a shame to have such a little bar with you for another bar!"

Shao Mingzhu is slow and logical.

The waiter saw Zhang Xiaofan not only listened to himself, but quickly led Shao Mingzhu to pack things and ran away.

Instead, she continued to eat.

Could not help but shook his head and said: "Oh ... you!"


He said nothing more.

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