The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 935: Red hair dreaming

"Okay, now sister-in-law is talking!"

"I don't have any reason to refuse that red-haired brother, I'll do it in honor first!"

At this moment, Hong Mao was thinking of being able to sit and drink with a **** stunner like Shao Mingzhu.

Such a beautiful thing, even if Hong Mao used to dream, never dreamed of such a good thing!

Thinking of it, Hongmao poured himself a cup of Erguotou.

As soon as the neck is lifted, it goes directly into the belly.

"My sister, I'll do it first."

"Are you going to have some fun over there?"

After the red hair touched the wine stain on his mouth.


Can't wait to look at Shao Mingzhu with that greedy, anxious gaze.

Look at his anxious look.

I really wish that the eyes would grow up on Shao Mingzhu directly.

"Giggle, I have no opinion!"

"As long as my boyfriend agrees!"

During the talk, Shao Mingzhu was very small and went directly to Zhang Xiaofan.

Reached his arm around his arm, laughed coyly, said.

Hong Mao turned his head to Zhang Xiaofan.

I saw that Zhang Xiaofan was sitting there and drinking wine.

From time to time, two pieces of fat cows were eaten slowly from the hot pot in front of them.

Look at him like this, it seems that he did not notice the change here.

Moreover, the red hair saw Zhang Xiaofan's innocence again.

Judging by his age, he looks like twenty-three or four.

It looks like the college student who has just graduated from college not long.

Thinking of this, Hong Mao immediately dismissed his lips.

Between the eyebrows, there was also an undisguised expression of contempt.

In his opinion, Zhang Xiaofan made it clear that he had been completely deterred by himself!

So much so that I dare not even put a fart in front of myself!

"Hey, it looks like you have a bad eye!"

"It's not good to be a boyfriend!"

"Want to find such soft-footed shrimp as a boyfriend?"

"Can this be considered a man?"

"The boy is almost there!"

"Otherwise, let's exchange a WeChat."

"Take a break and wave!"

"When that time comes, I want you to experience a real bliss as a woman ..."

"Ah ... ha ha ha ha-!"

In the end, the red-haired young man couldn't help but feel proud.

It turned out to laugh upright.

In words, the filthy words that are revealed.

It really made those diners frowned.

"Don't just laugh!"

"What about your wine?"

"Why not move yet!"

The smile on Shao Mingzhu's face remained unchanged.

Still the same as before, squinting at the peach blossom eyes, the red-haired young man looked at the opposite side.

I don't know what she thinks now.


"No problem, since the beauties have opened this mouth.

What this glass of wine says I have to drink red hair! "

Then, Hong Mao poured a glass of wine into his glass again.

A glass is almost three or two Erguotou.

In this way, he gave him a direct lift of his neck and a sip of wine into his belly.

Then, Red Hair hit a wine goblet and laid the cup heavily on the table.

There was no sign of flaunting, looking at Shao Mingzhu.

This red hair, one after the other

A total of two cups of Erguotou were dried.

This adds up to almost a pound or so.

Just talking about things, just aiming at the amount of red hair ...

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