The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 983: Reporter blocked the door

But just a glance, Zhang Xiaofan's eyebrows twisted into a frown!

Between, in the original quiet corridor.

Now, I don't know when it's full.

Moreover, each of them held a long gun and a short gun.

A majestic, arrogant one will not be opposite.

Keke, digression.

In fact, all they had was a voice recorder and a camera.

Obviously, this group of reporters had long qiāng short cannons in their hands.

At this time, they all came to interview their supposedly famous star neighbour, Di , erba.

"Too noisy!"

Zhang Xiaofan asked himself, and he was a good-tempered person.

Usually, in daily life.

As long as you don't be idle, you touch Zhang Xiaofan's bottom line.

All these things can be reduced to small and small things.

Let's take today's affairs as an example. If you are usually engaged in a wave by a group of reporters.

As long as you don't get separated by three, come here every day.

Well, Zhang Xiaofan will naturally not bother with the other party about this matter.

After all, as a superstar, Di Zheba accepted this interview from media reporters.

In itself, it can be regarded as one of her necessary work every day.

In addition, Zhang Xiaofan is still a neighbourhood follower Di Di Reba.

As the saying goes, distant relatives are worse than close neighbors.

Everyone looks down all day, and Zhang Xiaofan will not be bothered by this occasional occasion.

For this matter, directly conflict with his neighbors or something.

But anytime!

But only, not today!

At night, Zhang Xiaofan has been brewing for so long on his side.

The three major elements of the third base are: time, location, and harmony.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan, almost all of these three types of conditions are to be occupied!

However, just before he was about to start.

Since then, he has been working hard to overcome the crucial moment of Naihuan!

Actually, I interrupted in this halfway!

This is so special, it's a bit excessive!

Even if you are a big star, okay?

Big star, also pay attention to a humanitarian okay!

No doubt, it's just about tonight.

This superstar neighbor of his own has undoubtedly touched Zhang Xiaofan's bottom line!

So that's why.

Looking outside was still elated and excited.

A group of media reporters who will not leave for a while.

Zhang Xiaofan immediately blew his hair. He unscrewed the door lock and pushed out!


I heard the sound of the security door opening behind me.

In the noisy corridor, it suddenly became quiet.

Everyone turned around in unison, looking behind them.

I saw that another door was opened behind them.

From the door came a young man with a bad face!

However, this quiet did not last long.

It took just a few seconds, and the loud noise sounded again.

Even a few media reporters who crowded in front of them changed their mouths at this time.

Instead, he turned to Zhang Xiaofan, and Zhang Xiaofan was a routine interview like Zhang Zhuan.

"Good evening, sir. I'm sorry to hear that you are so late!


"But I want to ask if you are the owner here?"

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