The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1004 Angels and Demons (6)


Fu Sheng resigned himself to crawling for a while,

at last,

He sat firmly on his buttocks, his cheeks were puffed out, and he looked unlovable.

Starting from babbling,

Does she want to start everything from scratch?


[System refresh...]

[Fragment recognition: 0%]

【Total approval rate: 0%】

[Ma'am, Ma'am, fragments! 】

[Nine o'clock direction, walk about 200 meters. 】

Fu Sheng: "..."

"Do you know that I'm still climbing?"

It takes a lot of effort for a newborn child to crawl for a while.

two hundred meters?

Fu Sheng puffed her cheeks, expressionless.

【Come on madam, you can do it. 】

[Assuming you can climb five meters in one breath and it takes five minutes, only need to climb for about three hours to get there! 】

Fu Sheng: "..."

The little baby girl carved in powder and jade resigned herself to crawling.

far away,

Sister Elf saw her climbing, nodded with satisfaction and smiled.

Sure enough, because there are too many children,

Around her, she will be afraid.

"Sister, I still want to eat."

Little friend Yi Ni tugged at her, her eyes widening.

The elf handed her another piece.

"I want me too!"

The others were jealous.

"Everyone, don't rush, line up, let's come one by one."

The elf smiled softly and was as patient as ever with the children.

in the other corner,

With his head down, facing the silver-haired boy in the corner,

Quietly pinching the soil,

His ice-blue pure eyes focused on the little flower that was gradually forming in his hand, and his curled eyelashes were like a cattail leaf fan, lingering and moving.

The exquisite facial features have not yet been opened, but they can still be seen vaguely. His future beautiful and flawless face,

The skin is as white as milk, crystal clear, and it looks extraordinarily dazzling under the warm and soft sunlight.

small body sitting,

Don't look at the noisy children in the distance,

He only concentrates on pinching his own soil, and is extremely quiet.

Taking advantage of everyone's inattention, Fu Sheng teleported 150 meters.

Crawling on her little limbs, wheezing,

Mo about ten minutes later, finally climbed.

The white and tender little baby girl is sitting on the grass, very tired.

Looking at the little boy with his back to her, who was close at hand,

Fu Sheng stretched out her fleshy little hand and poked him.


The pure and beautiful little boy like ice and snow didn't seem to feel it, he didn't look back, he didn't speak,

Concentrate on pinching his own mud,

The whole person seems to have fallen into a world without other people.

His pure ice blue pupils seemed to be filled with the clearest snow water in the world, clean and charming.

The movements of his hands kept going, pinching bit by bit carefully.

Fusheng blinked her eyes and climbed a few more steps.

this time,

She leaned over to his side, stretched out her soft little hand, and grabbed his wrist.


The little baby girl can't speak yet, she can only babble briefly,

The soft and waxy little milk sound is too soft.

Michael's hand stopped suddenly.

He frowned slightly, as if he didn't like this outsider,

The icy blue waveless pupils turned slightly and placed on her body.

The little baby girl opened her beautiful red eyes and looked at him curiously,

The lips are pink and tender, neither noisy nor noisy,

A faint milky fragrance came from her body, and there was also a faint fragrance of flower honey.

"..." Michael stared at her for a while with a small face,

Under the soft silver hair, the pure to flawless pupils are flat and without fluctuations,

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