The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1009 Angels and Demons (11)


The scar was deep, and the flesh inside had been cut in half.

Large swaths of blood flowed out, almost unstoppable.

Now things are big.

The elf quickly picked her up and urgently summoned the healing elf.

The healing elf hastily applied the special medicine prepared earlier to her, and also applied magic power.

Every child is extremely important to the family of angels and demons,

It's even more sloppy when you're injured.

In particular, children are extremely fragile,

It must be cured with the special medicine produced by the spirit tree, and the recovery is slower than ordinary people,

The elves hurriedly bandaged her to stop the bleeding.

Yi Ni just made a new little wreath,

I want to give Fu Sheng.

She searched left and right, and finally found her in her room.

The elves had just bandaged her, and the air smelled of blood.

Yi Ni ran in all at once,

"Cecia, what's wrong with you?"

She is nervous.

"Yeah~" It's okay.

Fu Sheng tilted his head and smiled at her.

Yi Ni looked at her wrapped hands with a dazed little face,

"Are you hurt? Does it hurt?"

Yi Ni grabbed her hand and was about to blow it to her.

Sister Elf rubbed Fusheng's little head, and asked softly,

"Cesia, how did you get hurt? Can you tell me?"

Fu Sheng blinked,

She pointed to herself, then to the floor,

Indicating that he fell by himself.

The elf paused, a little surprised,

She thought it was Michael who pushed her.

After all, with such a big wound, it is estimated that he grabbed the fence vigorously.

The elf didn't ask much, nodded, and gently rubbed her head,

"Then Cecia, be more careful from now on~"

"If your brother bullies you, remember to tell your sister~"

"Tell Yi Ni, Yi Ni will help you beat them!"

Little girl Yi Ni was filled with righteous indignation.

Fu Sheng rolled his eyes and babbled softly.

Because of the injury,

So Fusheng began to be protected by the spirit all the way,

I can only go to the grass to play for a while every day, and then I have to come back.

Afraid that she would be bored, Yi Ni volunteered to bring her back various small gifts,

All kinds of butterflies, fruits, and beautiful little garlands.

Fusheng has nothing to do,

I can only obediently learn to walk and talk in the room.


She lay by the window,

Looking at the figure in the corner on the huge grass outside, his eyes dimmed slightly, and he fell into silence.

Dabai annoys her very much.


After her,

Can't keep going to him anymore.

Fu Sheng looked down at his hands, silent.



far away,

in the corner,

The snow-silver soft-haired boy lowered his head, pursed his lips slightly, and was very quiet.


He didn't have anything in his hands, and he didn't squeeze the ooze anymore.

The ice blue pupils stared blankly at the palm of his hand, feeling a little confused and helpless.

she's like,


Mikael was faintly sad and flustered.

He looked up at the fence that the little girl had grabbed before,

It was stained with dried blood.

It was dark and dazzling.

The boy lowered his eyes slowly,

With beautiful blue eyes, staring at the sculpture of the little girl on the ground, she pursed her lips in silence.

The curled long eyelashes trembled wildly, and the eye sockets were a little red,

He...he didn't mean to...

He didn't know why he was so angry all of a sudden.

He didn't want to push her...

Michael quietly lowered his head,

The fingertips lightly touched the wrist she had touched,

Like a thorn in my heart,

It hurt him a little, and he was a little overwhelmed.

The little boy was silent.

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