The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1015 Angels and Demons (17)


at last,

She carefully collected it and put it in the box.

This is very important and cannot be damaged.

The little girl deliberately relaxed her movements.

Michael stared at her for a moment,

Then whispered quietly,

"'s okay, it's broken, I...I'll do it again."

Fusheng blinked, the little milk voice was very serious,

"No, brother made it, don't break it."

Others might work,

but this,


Fu Sheng touched it cautiously.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval: 52%】

Michael was silent.

at last,

He lowered his eyes, looked at the clay sculpture, and slightly curved his lips.



After Fu Sheng put away his things,

He quietly looked at the young boy beside him.

she was thinking,

He gave her so many presents,

Is she sending one back too?


It can be beautiful and practical.

think about it,

Fu Sheng saw the red string on his wrist.

The delicate and small red rope follows her in every plane, and she has formed a habit.

It is extremely spiritual, following her soul and body, accompanying her life after life.

Fu Sheng lowered his head and touched it, thoughtfully.

King's Landing gave it to her,

Would she like to make a similar bracelet that can trap debris?


There must be aura to protect the fragments all the time.

do not know either,

What has King's Landing cast upon it,

That's what makes this rope so amazing.

Fu Sheng touched it lightly.

"Tuantuan, have you seen this kind of hand strap before?"

"I want to make one myself."

[Emm... I haven't seen it before. 】

[Look at the weaving technique, and the profound divine power contained in it, it should be made for you by the adults, right? 】

The group thought about it.

Fusheng blinked her eyes, and fell silent,

"...Forget it, I'll ask him another day."

When his body returns some other day, she will make another one and give it to him.

Fu Sheng's gaze slowly shifted.

at last,

She looked at Mikael's white wrist, then stretched out her hand and grabbed him.

Mikael's long eyelashes trembled, but he didn't speak.

He just quietly lowered his head and squeezed something.

Fu Sheng blinked his eyes and roughly measured the size.

After knowing it,

She withdrew her hand and continued to sit obediently, looking at him, very quietly.




Fu Sheng was the youngest, so she was the first to be taken back to sleep by the conservation elves.

After the elf turned off the lamp and flew out of the room,

Fusheng got up secretly from the bed again, endured the drowsiness, and began to weave the bracelet.

Fortunately, Michael's wrist is not big,

You only need to weave fifteen centimeters and it's almost the same.

Fu Sheng began to make up hard.

Make up a little bit every night, and after a week, it will be finished.

But staying up all night brings up a problem,

That is……

Fusheng began to doze off during the day.

Sitting often, my body would fall on Michael's body.

Perhaps it was because the last incident brought some bad memories to Michael,

He subconsciously dropped the clay sculpture and hugged her.


He is only eight years old and not very big.

A three-year-old little dumpling turned upside down,

Sometimes if he didn't sit still, he would fall to the other side.

There are fences on both sides of the corner,

Although it will not hit a sharp place, it will always be unavoidable.

Without saying a word, Michael protected the little girl in his arms, and then slowly sat upright.


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