The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1027 Angels and Demons (29)


this day,

Fu Sheng finished training as usual, and continued to lazily lean on the branch, sleeping.

While falling asleep,

She seemed to hear noisy voices under the tree, whispering, talking constantly.


Hell boiled up as if it had received some news.

Fu Sheng couldn't hear what they were saying, and was too lazy to go on, so he covered his ears and fell asleep again.

when she is asleep,

In the pocket, light golden feathers floated out again silently,

The feathers faintly revealing a bright and gentle atmosphere, lightly landed on the girl's lips, touched it lightly,

The girl's exhalation blew it away, and it was lifeless, and it was quietly pressed against her cheek, like a soft and sticky animal, intimate and gentle.

Pale golden feathers, slightly glowing with soft light,

The tip of the soft feather gently touched her cheek, like a lover's touch, gentle and tender.


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"Honorable Lord Satan, please allow me to disturb your deep sleep."

The demon Asmodeus knelt devoutly and prayed,

"Your deep sleep makes us worry, where will the future of the devil be?"

"Asmodeus is willing to exchange everything, may you be healthy."

the dark halls of hell,

The huge sculpture is silent,

Everywhere, there are powerful demons guarding them, just to protect the Satan they believe in.

After Asmodeus finished praying, he still knelt for a long time,

He had a lot to say, but in the end, he stopped.

His most pious belief is not to disturb, but to be safe.

Faithful believers knelt and remained silent.



"What? The Archangel has appeared!?"

Ini was surprised and lost her voice.

"Yes, the demon uncle in front just flew back."

Muir wiped his sweat, his red eyes symbolized evil,

He swung the extremely powerful long whip, and with one flick, the bound soul let out a shrill scream instantly,

Muir looked more excited, and the force of the swing became stronger and stronger,

Strong arms, mighty black wings,

He has grown from an innocent little boy to a real devil.

The scream of the soul did not make Yi Ni feel uncomfortable,

She swayed her legs, under the black leather jacket, she had a slender figure,

His face was slightly solemn, as if he was a little worried about the news from the Archangel.

Muir suddenly thought of something, stopped his hands, and smiled a bit viciously and sarcasticly,

"Yini, it is said that the new Archangel is named Michael."

Ini was taken aback.


It was the kid who never played with them before and always sat alone in the corner making mud! ?

Yi Ni was very impressed with him,

At first she showed her affection, but he turned a blind eye.

Later, it seemed to be... Cesia?

Cecia managed to make good friends with him.

Yi Ni clicked her tongue and jumped off the ground.

"It's just a kid who doesn't know good and bad. When I use the charm technique, I will naturally take him down."

She smiled softly, her voice was sharp and soft.


She was looking forward to dragging the most holy angel down to hell.

Yi Ni raised the corners of her eyes provocatively, a little interested.



Fusheng lay on the tree and took a nice nap,

When I woke up again,

She suddenly discovered that the atmosphere in hell was a little subtly dignified,

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