The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1031 Angels and Demons (33)


There is no day in hell,

The sky is always black, and it is always night.

When Fusheng woke up again, the dark starry sky was still there.

She yawned, put away her handkerchief, flapped her wings, and dropped the branch.

The moment she woke up,

The originally quiet feathers floated up again, circling around her,

It was so lively, it kept clinging to her, as if it wanted to express something.

Fu Sheng looked at it suspiciously.

after awhile,

Feather repeated the previous move,

First he tapped her cheek, and then floated to the other side.

Fu Sheng looked at it for a while,

at last,

She sighed helplessly, flapped her wings, and flew up,

"All right, all right, I'll chase you, let's play."

She made a gesture to go after it.

next second,

The feather floated to a place farther away.

Fu Sheng chased after him again.

back and forth,


Fusheng unknowingly flew to the gate of hell.

The gates of hell are guarded by layers of demons, which can prevent the outsiders from entering and prevent the prisoners inside from escaping.


Adult demons can come and go freely.

Fusheng watched the feather float outside the gate of hell.

"..." The steps she was following stopped instantly.


The little girl frowned slightly, and suddenly felt something was wrong,

It has always been very quiet and well-behaved,

When following her, it is almost impossible to run out,

Even if they run out, they stick to her and won't fly away.

Why suddenly today...

Fu Sheng tilted his head.

Seeing that she didn't go out with her, the light golden feather floated back and tapped her cheek,

With a somewhat eager look, it seemed that she was leading her somewhere.

Fu Sheng pursed her lips slightly.

If she just came of age, if she goes out...


By the way, let's see what the chances are of going to heaven.

Fu Sheng made up his mind and flew out along the highway of hell,

The guard demon did not stop her,

She is an adult and can move freely.

out of hell

Fusheng came to the world.

Before she could wander around, the feathers stuck to her, trying to get her to fly up.

But further up, it is heaven.

She, a weak demon, goes to heaven,

Not to mention that the pure and holy light will burn her, and the skin will rot and hurt,

It was the large group of angels who could kill her with a single blow.

So, if she went up rashly, wouldn't that be sending her to death?

Fusheng grabbed a certain feather that always wanted to float upwards, helplessly,

"Do you want to find your master?"

"I can't go up, or you can go up by yourself?"

The feather froze.

Fusheng opened his hand and motioned for it to fly,


Feather was still sticking to her, and still wanted her to go up.

"..." Fusheng sighed and looked up at the sky.

At this moment in the world, it is a sunny day,

Blue sky and white clouds, clear sky, the weather is just right.

She is going up now...

Fu Sheng lowered her eyes slightly, and looked at her own bracelet.

Gritting her teeth, she flapped her wings, following the lead of the feathers, all the way up.

When approaching the gates of heaven,

Suddenly, the light golden feather tapped her forehead lightly, tickling, like a tender kiss from a lover,

in an instant,

The little girl's pure black body was instantly covered with a layer of pure snow white, as if she had been covered up.

The feathers have changed, and the skirts on her body have also changed,

The whole body is covered with beautiful snow white, like a little angel, without any sense of disobedience.

Fu Sheng was stunned.

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