The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1033 Angels and Demons (35)



It really ran into the blind spot.

Fu Sheng paused slightly.

She frowned slightly, her eyes stopped in the temple,

Logically speaking,

It won't run around.

Could it be...

Where is its owner?

Fu Sheng blinked her eyes, thoughtful.

If the big baby is inside,

In what capacity should she meet him?

He must not let him know that he is a devil,

So, is she going to pretend to be an angel?

Fusheng looked at the pure white wings behind her, and slowly thought about it.

But once a lie is formed,

Next, it is necessary to keep covering up lies.

The lies got bigger and bigger, and she was afraid that the consequences would be even worse.

Fu Sheng pursed her lips, and backed away from the window sill,

she feels...

She's not ready yet.

The little girl sat on the ground and sighed.

How about...don't meet for now, and she will go back and think about it later?

Anyway, he is the owner of the feather, so it must be safe when it goes back.

She doesn't have to worry about it.

Fusheng looked up at the window sill, stood up silently,

【Madam, are you not going in? 】

"……let me think again."


[Don't you want to see the size of the fragment? 】

Tuanzi was puzzled.


But after thinking about it, she is still a little rational.

After all, the two sides are standing on opposite sides,

It is not good for her to appear in the temple of angels rashly.

A demon appeared in the holy temple. To put it bluntly, this is a great insult to angels.

It's like an angel suddenly appearing in the hall of hell, it's too insulting to the devil.

Fusheng sighed and walked towards the gate of heaven.

walked a few steps,

I don't know when,

The light golden feather followed her again, entangled her, and wanted her to go back.

Like a stubborn child, stubborn, making trouble for no reason.

Fu Sheng stopped.

She stared at it fixedly, not speaking.

Feather was afraid that she would get angry, so he touched her lightly, little by little, as if to please her.

"..." Fu Sheng lowered her eyes.

After a while, she suddenly asked,

"Tuanzi, how much recognition do you have?"

Dumplings: [78%]

Fu Sheng was taken aback,

"Huh? Why are you so tall?"

She thought it was only a little bit.

[Harm, it's not because you sleep all the time, the sound of the system is automatically blocked by you. 】

The dumpling rests its chin.

"..." Fu Sheng was silent.

She turned her head and looked at the tall and magnificent temple,

Fingertips, soft feathers are still rubbing against her fingertips, trying to bring her back.

Fu Sheng's fingertips shrunk and grabbed it.

She stared at it for a while,

In the end, I turned around.

never mind,

When we meet, just confess.

Anyway, you can't hide it, so it's better to be honest.

Fu Sheng returned to the gate of the temple again.

The gate of the temple is made of pure gold, extremely holy,

Except for angels, no demon can touch it.

Fusheng carefully pushed with his foot first,

The gate does not repel,

Explain that it did not recognize her demon identity.

Fu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, and gently pushed open a gap with his hands.

She poked her head in.

Inside the temple, it was still quiet,

Pale gold and pure white tones filled the entire palace.

Surrounded by beautiful scrolls,

Above, angels with harps bowed their heads to God,

They are fair-faced, pious and holy,

The little angels spread their wings, playing, leaning against God,

God's smile,

It shows that angels will always be his favorites.

Fu Sheng didn't see anyone, so he walked in confidently and boldly.


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