The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1097 The Little Lover Who Wants to Hug (11)


that night,

Fusheng casually packed two sets of clothes and came to Jiangning District of City A.

Jiangning District is a typical wealthy district.

Those who live there are considered to be rich people in the true sense.

The real estate agency will investigate the client's financial situation to determine whether it is eligible to buy a house.

It is guaranteed to the greatest extent that the people living in Jiangning District are all upper-class people.

Even if it is a star, there is not enough assets to support it,

Nor would they be eligible to buy a villa here.

Fu Sheng was brought in by Li Xiao.

She was sitting in the car, looking at the rows of villas outside, her eyes blinked slightly, but she didn't show any surprise.

So many planes have passed,

She has lived in many places with Dabai,

Go up to the palace and mansion, go down to the agriculture and forestry villages,

After seeing so many buildings, she has no feeling for the villa now.

Apart from sighing that I am rich, I have no feelings.

After Li Xiao finished handling the company's affairs, he turned to look at her.

Seeing her staring outside in a daze, he raised his eyebrows, stopped at the waist, and hugged her directly.

"want to?"

He raised her chin and stroked it slowly,

The corners of his lips curled up slightly, in a half-smile.

Fu Sheng blinked, paused,

Afterwards, she hugged his waist very politely, shook her head,

"I want you and nothing else."


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The man's eyes are dark.

He pulled down the baffle, held her head down, and kissed her straight up.

Hands wrapped around her waist, pinching gently, very ambiguously.

Fu Sheng is wearing a simple T-shirt denim today, very simple and casual.

Man obviously.


The desire is very strong, kissing and kissing, the atmosphere is not right.

The driver was also very polite. After parking the car, he got out of the car and went out.

inside the car,

Soon there were only two of them left.

a quarter of an hour later,

The panting man finally held back, and stretched out his hand from under her clothes.

He hugged her, straightened her messy clothes,

Fu Sheng's face was red, her cheeks were puffy, and she didn't speak.

After the two are fully dressed,

Li Xiao hugged her out of the car and strode directly into the villa.

"...Sir, I...I still have something to take..."

Fu Sheng still remembered her luggage.

"I'll take it tomorrow."

The man's entire voice has changed, hoarse and sexy.

Fu Sheng blushed and stopped talking.

at last,

When she was pressed tightly,

The little girl had only one thought in her mind,

Had he been holding back before?


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【Total approval rate: 65%】



The second day, Monday.

Fu Sheng is still studying and has classes in the morning.

at seven in the morning,

She got up tenaciously, trying to get out of bed.


Li Xiao grabbed her again and kissed her for a long time.

Fusheng was anxious to go to class, afraid that he would come again, so she kept pushing him.

Li Xiao pressed her hand, kissed and kissed,

When sending her to school,

He kept pressing her down, kissing her hard.

Obviously I said before that I should not be too clingy,

As a result, he himself wished he could grow on her body.

When Fusheng got out of the car, his legs were limp.

The cheeks are flushed, the lips are red and slightly swollen,

Although the clothes on his body are neat and tidy,

But as long as people are not blind, they can see what she has experienced before.

After Fu Sheng got out of the car, he ran to the classroom building.

When she went upstairs, her figure disappeared,

The black car downstairs started slowly and left.

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