The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1105 The Little Lover Who Wants to Hug (19)


The speed of the school's processing is amazing.

Fu Sheng was suspicious, always feeling that it was someone's handwriting.

But when I got home,

Li Xiao didn't mention this matter,

His complexion remained the same, he still casually hugged her and touched her cheek.

Fusheng sat quietly in his arms for a while, then raised her head and asked,

"Sir, can I be your girlfriend today?"

The little girl persisted in asking him every day.

Li Xiao nodded her forehead as usual, with a low voice,

"see your performance."

"..." Fu Sheng was a little discouraged.

"What performance?"

Li Xiao's eyes flickered slightly, evil and beautiful,

He didn't speak, slowly touching her smooth and delicate cheeks, the corners of his lips were slightly hooked,


of course……

It will be some time.

The Li family has an unwritten rule that flash marriages are not allowed.

You have to be in love for at least three months before you can get a certificate and take it home.

He has already received the certificate,

But take it home to confirm your identity... you have to wait.

When three months are up, turn her into a concubine.

The man hugged her, his eyes drooping slightly.

He was very gentle when he kissed her cheek lightly,

Without a trace of lust.

Like a feather gently passing by, shallow ripples were raised on the calm lake,

Slightly smudged, making people tremble.

Fu Sheng was stunned.

Her eyes moved slightly, and she looked at him steadily.

This seems to be his first time...

So tender.

In the past, he was...

Wanted to take her to bed.

Fu Sheng seemed to feel something, his eyes lit up,

She held his face in her arms all of a sudden, with a cheerful tone,

"You like me don't you?"

She was visibly delighted.

"..." The man paused.

Immediately, he sneered, nodded her forehead, and smiled a little loosely,

"You think too much."

The man pursed his lips casually, leaned on the seat, and looked at her lightly, with a lazy posture.

The long and narrow Danfeng eyes are slightly squinted, like a big fox, very cunning and lazy.

Fusheng curled her mouth and stopped talking.

She really felt that he liked her...

The unbelieving little girl looked up at him again.

His eyes were light, and he couldn't tell what emotion it was.

There was still a smile on her lips, as if laughing at her innocence.

"..." She silently lowered her head.


Still can't be a girlfriend.

Fusheng sighed helplessly, hugged him, moaned,

"Sir, although you don't like me, I still like you very much."

"If you like me, can I be your girlfriend?"

"see your performance."

The man is still slow.

Fu Sheng: "..."

Bad white.



Since moving to Li Xiao's villa,

Fusheng goes to the hospital every three days to see her sick grandma.

Grandma is still lying in the intensive care unit and cannot come out.

She was in a coma almost every day, inhaled oxygen, and infused with various medicines.

Every time, Fusheng would watch for a while on the glass window at the door of the intensive care unit, listening to the doctor explain his condition.

When she first came here, she came alone.


For some reason, Li Xiao started to visit grandma with her.

Xu was afraid that she would be sad, so he held her hand all the time, but he was vaguely gentle,

Although you don't say it,

But Fu Sheng could faintly feel that he was worried about her.

one day,

The two came back from the hospital,

Fu Sheng suddenly took his hand and asked him,

"Sir, if I have terminal liver cancer, will you—"


The little girl who hadn't finished speaking was covered in an instant.

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