The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1112 The little lover who wants to hug (26)


The tone also changed, and the timbre became extra sweet and soft.

In front of her own men, she always loves to be coquettish and clingy.

Maybe she didn't realize it herself.

How surprised I am.

The eyebrows are flying, and there is a bit of sweetness.

The man's brows and eyes softened, and he supported her, with the corners of his lips slightly drawn.

Just when the little girl leaned over to kiss him fiercely,

The man suddenly looked at her steadily, with a calm voice,

"Who is King's Landing?"

"..." The smile on Fu Sheng's face stagnated.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, staring at the man who was close at hand,

After a moment of silence,

She laughed a few times, leaned over to his ear, and said softly and brazenly,

"It's my husband."

"It's me, the one I love the most."

As soon as the voice fell,

The shackles around her waist tightened.

The man's dark purple eyes appeared slightly.

Fu Sheng stared at him, a little proud,

"Stinky husband, do you think I can't see that it's you?"

Although the aura on the fragment is the same as his,

But it always feels different.

In front of the fragments, she occasionally had to hold back her temper, pay attention to him, and not make too much noise.

But before King's Landing,

She can be willful like a child.

Fu Sheng smiled and stretched out his hand to grab his ear.

"You want to lie to me again?"

"..." Jun Lin slightly bent his lips, but did not speak.

The ears were also allowed to be pinched by her, and she lowered her eyes, becoming very obedient.

"Ma'am, I am wronged."

He said softly.

The little girl rolled her eyes and raised her toes,

"Then can I be your girlfriend?"



Tonight is to propose to her.

The man who accepted the memory is very serious.

Fusheng snorted twice and pulled his ears,

"Bad guy! No matter how I asked you before, you didn't agree."

The man lowered his head slightly, allowing her to pinch more conveniently,

He bent his lips and said softly,

"It's my fault, madam, I was wronged."

Fu Sheng puffed up his cheeks, he didn't use much force after all, just a symbolic fierceness,

She wasn't angry, she just wanted to play with her temper.

Li Xiao was still very good to her, almost responsive to her requests.


In front of King's Landing, she still wanted him to coax her more.

The two stayed together for a long time.

Like two loving swans, hugging each other stickily, the atmosphere is very warm.

After King's Landing came,

Fusheng has completely turned into a salted fish, relying on him every day, almost doing nothing.

King's Landing was probably stimulated by the earthquake, and the first time he took action changed the fate of the people who died in this disaster.

The way of heaven naturally does not allow forcibly changing fate,

But as a younger brother, it didn't dare to utter a sound, so it could only close its eyes silently and selectively ignore it.

Those who were injured and died in this huge disaster were reborn.

Fu Sheng was very surprised and did not understand what he did.

This is the first time that she and he have intervened in the fate of the plane.

He has always been indifferent and never cared about other people,


He will not use divine power to deliberately change the outcome of the situation.

If it changes, it means...

This incident irritated him.

Fusheng stood aside, quietly watching him cast spells.

The divine power of the supreme god is endless, and it coexists with the heaven and the earth.

It only takes one thought to bring back the soul,

It will be able to change the fate of everyone and be reborn.

After doing all this,

Jun Lin looked pale, and slowly withdrew his hand.

He turned his eyes and looked at her, his indifferent brows softened, his lips slightly bent,

"Ma'am, I want to hug."

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