The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1114 Little crying bag, bullying you (1)


at last,

He leaned into her ear happily, and said in a low voice,

"Madam, will always be Madam."

will not change.

Be it a lover or something else,

In his heart, he always regarded her as his wife, and it never changed.


Will always be together... I was meant to be...


The man's beautiful and noble dark purple pupils were slightly warm, staring at her side face with a lingering smile.

Fu Sheng's cheeks were slightly red, but he didn't speak.


The sweetness between the brows is slightly blurred, and the smile is gentle.



And always a husband,

never change.




[Main task: complete! 】

[Soul escaped successfully——]

【Matching new faces...】

[The match is successful. 】

【Searching for host...】

[The body is locked! 】

【Soul transmission...】

【Name: Fusheng】

[Task: Bring back the fragments. 】



Forsythia Mountain,

The towering steep peaks are more than 1,000 meters high.

There are many mountains and mountains, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

On the small road into the mountain, the weeds on both sides kept growing crazily because no one took care of it, surrounded by bamboo forests, it was very quiet.

At the foot of the mountain, the breeze blows gently, sweeping through the dense bamboo forest, making a light rustling sound,

The cool temperature in the bamboo forest, in the hot summer, is like a fairyland, very refreshing.

Among the clean forests, a small path winds and turns, along the foot of the mountain, slowly going up.

This is the only way across the mountain,

So people pass by every day, one after another, which also drives away the quietness in the bamboo forest.


Behind a large patch of weeds beside the path,

A group of women wearing face scarves crouched down and hid under the disordered weeds, quietly and silently.

They held knives in their hands, and the rough big knives were in the dark, emitting a penetrating cold light,

They held each other tightly, quietly lying in ambush under the grass, waiting for their prey like wild beasts waiting for an opportunity.

"Da da da--"

The horse's footsteps are getting closer,

Accompanied by the yelling of the horseman, and the creaking sound of the carriage running over the potholes,

A caravan is walking on the path, approaching without knowing it.

At the front of the caravan, there were several bodyguards driving their horses. In the center were the main cargo, as well as important gold, silver and jewelry.

The last ones who followed were still bodyguards.

With a knife on his waist, he looked around vigilantly.



The wind blows gently again,

The tall weeds were bowed by the blow.

A group of people in disguise underneath are ready to go.

Just wait for an order, and all can be dispatched.

The caravan walked along the path.

When the cargo truck in the center happened to reach the weeds, it ran over a stone and made a creaking sound,


A dynamite exploded directly under the horse's feet.

"Hissing—" the horse was frightened and began to run wildly.

The group of people ambushing under the weeds rushed out in an instant, holding a big knife, and aimed directly at the goods in the center.

"Sisters! Go!!"

The horse was frightened, and the female bodyguard couldn't control it, and fell directly from the horse.

They quickly got up and confronted the sudden group of people,

"What are you doing?! This is something from the Wang family in the capital!"

The leader let out a yo, glanced at it maliciously, and laughed loudly,

"What bullshit Wang's family. Here, we are the king!"

"Sisters! Grab it for me!"

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