The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1123 Little crying bag, bullying you (10)


She thought carefully about what he had just said.

"Who told you not to touch it?!"

"If you don't touch it, don't touch it!!"

He means……

Can touch?

Fu Sheng was a little confused.

Wasn't he very angry when she touched him before?

And asked her to promise that she would not be allowed to approach him in the future...

【Madam, why don't you... give him a try? 】

The dumpling laughed.

"...Are you crazy? He's going to be mad."

And in such a plane where men are superior to women,

If she kissed him on the spot, it would be considered indecent,

At that time, if he is about to collapse and hang himself,

At that time, the situation will be even more difficult to deal with.

Fu Sheng hesitated, standing where he was, not daring to go forward, and not wanting to leave.

at last,

Fengqing's throat was hoarse from crying, and she didn't even step forward.

The extremely wronged man threw off the quilt, got out of bed, and ran out.

He covered his face, tears streaming down his face.

Only this time, there was no more crying,

When rushing out of the room,

The people in the village looked over at the same time.

Seeing a strange man, they were all taken aback.

Fu Sheng was nervous about him and immediately followed him.

"Your Highness, you—"

"Don't follow me!"

Feng Qing cried and growled.

He covered his face with his sleeve, his eyes swollen as walnuts.

He didn't know the way, so he ran out of the gate without looking back, but his back was extremely wronged.

Fu Sheng was worried about him, how could he let him walk alone in the wilderness.

She followed behind, afraid that he would get angry, and kept a long distance.

After the two went out one after the other,

The people in the village looked at each other in shock,

"Fuck! Boss has a man!"

"Fuck! Looks like a good figure!!"

The stockade was boiling.

"Is it because the boss is so fierce that he scares everyone away?"

"Damn it! Let's drink to celebrate!! We're going to have the husband of the village owner!!"

"Hey, I don't even have a horoscope, I'm too anxious, too anxious!"

"It doesn't matter! The boss actually has a man, just for this, we have to celebrate!!"

The village is full of joy.



outside the stockade,

Fu Sheng followed Feng Qing all the way.

He walked while crying.

He didn't know the way, and in the end, he went straight into a dead end.

Feng Qing stood still, weeping.

With red eyes, he stared steadily, his fists clenched under his wide sleeves.

He probably knew that Fusheng was following, so he was unscrupulous,

Turn around and enter the bamboo forest beside the path.

Like a child with a tantrum, running away from home with tears in his eyes.

The thin red coat is inherently fragile,

Walking in the dense bamboo forest, it is easy to be scratched by the broken branches on the ground.

He ignored it and walked on in stride.

The soft hair is hooked and entangled by bamboo leaves,

He also pulled it out abruptly, regardless of the pain.

at last,

After all, Fusheng still felt sorry for him, so he chased after him.

"Your Highness, I know the way, how about I take you down the mountain?"

The man's eyes were red, and he wanted to push her away, his voice was hoarse,

"I don't want you!!"


He didn't walk steadily all of a sudden, and stepped on a stone unexpectedly.

Just listen to "click -" sound,

Feng Qing's face turned pale in an instant,

He fell uncontrollably.

Fu Sheng hugged him immediately.

She hugged his waist, her tone suddenly changed,

"How long are you going to lose your temper?!"

She was anxious and distressed.

Just about to bend down to look at his legs,

Feng Qinghong stared, struggling desperately in her arms,

He pushed her with an aggressive tone,

"Do you tube!!"

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