The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1131 Little crying bag, bullying you (18)


He unconsciously clenched her sleeve tightly, staring at her with beautiful amber soft eyes, seemed a little nervous,

"You're angry?"

Fu Sheng paused, then shook her head calmly, "No."

Feng Qing stopped talking.

He looked at her, bit his lip,


She didn't look right at him,

She was just mad.

"Don't...don't be angry."

He blurted out subconsciously.

When the voice falls,

Both of them were taken aback.

Fu Sheng didn't react too much.

Feng Qing, on the other hand, blushed instantly, and withdrew her hand all of a sudden, not daring to look at her.

He didn't seem to expect that he would be so nervous about other people's emotions,

After panicking, she was also a little bit shy.

at last,

He buried himself directly in the quilt and didn't speak again.

"..." Fu Sheng blinked and looked at him for a while.


She turned and walked out the door.

under the quilt,

Feng Qing's pupils were calm, and a trace of inexplicable emotion flashed across,

He shrank his feet slightly,

Above, the gentle touch of a woman is still there.

He lowered his eyes slightly, lightly, somewhat, deep and cold.


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【Total approval rate: 58%】



From then on, Feng Qing lived in the cottage.

Everyone in the cottage also knew him, although they couldn't see his appearance,

But most of them know that he sleeps in Fusheng's house and doesn't stop day in and day out.

Fu Sheng knew they had misunderstood, and wanted to explain,

But after explaining and explaining, no one believes it.

In the end, she gave up explaining and simply acquiesced.

Fortunately, Feng Qing stayed in her room and didn't come out very often, so she didn't know about everyone's misunderstanding.

When she comes out occasionally, he must follow her, next to her, very close.

She is very squeamish and always looks for Fusheng for everything.

The soft voice yells "Asheng, Asheng" every day, very sweet, but very helpless.



"A Sheng, I want a drink of water."

"... pour it yourself."

"A Sheng, the clothes are dirty, I need to change."

"...the clothes are in the closet, take them yourself."

"A Sheng, my foot hurts, I need some medicine."

"... half an hour ago, I just rubbed the medicine on you."

"A Sheng, I—"

"Pa—" Fusheng put down the pen in his hand and walked over.

She held him down, pressed him on the bed, kissed him, and gagged his mouth.

Feng Qing's eyes widened instantly,

Pretty and soft.

Fu Sheng pressed his hand and kissed him fiercely.

Between lips and teeth, the strange fragrance on the man's body became unusually strong again.

Fu Sheng's breathing became disordered again.

Her hand slowly touched his belt.

The man's body tensed up instantly.

He started pushing her.

Not much strength, more like a refusal to welcome.

Fu Sheng quickly unbuttoned his clothes.


Feng Qing's breathing was also disordered, a little short.

His strength in pushing her became weaker and weaker,

at last,

He held her shoulder loosely, not knowing whether he was pushing her away or hugging her in.

Fu Sheng kissed his lips again.

Feng Qing whispered twice,

The fragrance of the body is getting stronger and stronger,

Like a strong aphrodisiac, the temperature in the room kept rising.

Just when the two were about to make the next move,


There was a knock on the door suddenly.

Fu Sheng paused for a kiss.

"Boss, are you looking for me?"

Li Yuan's voice came from outside.

Fu Sheng's eyes became clearer,

She got up suddenly, and covered the man with the open skirt on the bed with a quilt,

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