The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1135 Little crying bag, bullying you (22)


The little milk cat who likes to show its teeth and claws is becoming more and more docile.

Not only does she keep her paws, but she also likes to roll around and be cute, and her coquettish tone comes easily,

Totally unbelievably sweet,

Especially, when he knew that she couldn't resist the fragrance on his body,

He washed himself clean every day, and then hugged her sticky.

As soon as the fragrance hits the body,

Fu Sheng felt dizzy every time, and was brought to the bed by him,

There is no power to parry.

She was busy with the renovation of the village and getting married during the day,

At night, I was dragged to do...exercise.

I was so busy that I often turned around and couldn't do anything.

After the two people held a simple wedding ceremony,

Feng Qing hugged her stickily, and suddenly asked a question,

"A Sheng, will you always like me?"

His amber eyes stared at her nervously, full of tentativeness and uncertainty.

Holding her, rubbing her beautiful eyebrows against her,

It is fragrant and sweet on the body.

Fu Sheng was hooked by the fragrance of his body,

He let out a confused "hmm".

She hugged him impatiently and kissed him.

Feng Qing didn't hide, and looked at her steadily.

at the most emotional time,

He whispered in her ear, softly,

"Okay, keep it up, like it."

The man slowly clasped her hand, his eyes darkened.

Fu Sheng's face was flushed, and he couldn't hear what he was saying at all.

I had no choice but to "hmm" indiscriminately, and wrapped him tightly.


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the second day.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty wants to know about your situation. She is very worried about you."

The dark guard knelt down and said to the indifferent man in red in front of him.

The man in red slowly raised his amber eyes, and smiled lightly, with an indescribable coolness,

"Thank you, Empress, for your concern."

"My son...everything is going well."

"In that case, Your Highness, Your Majesty hopes that you... will succeed as soon as possible."

The dark guard presented the envelope.

The man didn't look, turned around lightly,

"It's fine in the future, don't show up casually, if you get it, I will give it to you."

The dark guard responded quickly.


The man in red disappeared into the bamboo forest, never to be seen again.

The dark guard also left quietly, without making a sound.

in the bamboo forest,

The breeze was light.



When Fusheng woke up,

The fragrant and soft person next to her was already hugging her stickyly, with curved lips and a smirk.

He's nice and quiet,

The whole person was buried in her arms, holding her tightly,

I can't wait to stick my whole body on her body.

He seldom cried anymore, and his beautiful amber pupils always stared at her without blinking, looking happy.

The little milk cat with its sharp claws has become sweeter and sweeter,

Every time Fu Sheng looked at him, his heart softened unconsciously,

No matter how clingy he is,

She didn't even have the heart to say a word to him.

Seeing that she was awake, the clingy Feng Qing leaned over and wanted to kiss her,

He is often shy,

But even if you are shy, you have to lean over and kiss her,

The whole person is milky and sweet,

Every time Fusheng kisses, she becomes extremely addicted.

She looked at him, couldn't hold back, held his cheek and kissed him again,

Lips stick to lips, lips and teeth depend on each other.

Feng Qing hugged her waist tightly and responded obediently.

The tips of the ears were red, and there was a beautiful blood color again.

two people finished kissing,

Fusheng's breathing became unstable again, and he wanted to push him away.

"Qingqing, no more kisses."

If you kiss again, something will happen.

Feng Qing pouted slightly, unhappy.

"In a while, ask Ah Sheng to kiss again."

He hugged her tightly, not letting go.

Fusheng had no choice but to kiss again.

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