The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1150 Little crying bag, bullying you (37)



No matter what, I can't compare to her...

The man was slightly absent-minded, pursed his lips and remained silent.


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Fu Sheng hurried back to have lunch with Feng Qing.

After lunch, I didn't have much rest, so I had to go out again.

Feng Qing originally wanted to go with her,

But Fusheng felt sorry for him and didn't want him to bask in the sun, so he refused.

Feng Qing had no choice but to move a small bench and wait for her at the door.

After sitting quietly for a while,

He stood up suddenly and looked towards the bamboo forest outside the village.

There was no expression on the veiled face, and even a bit of coldness.

Feng Qing frowned slightly.

Now that you have chosen to defect,

There was no need for him to meet the hidden guard again at the risk of being caught back,

The man's eyes slowly moved away from the bamboo forest, and he sat down quietly, turning a deaf ear to the movement outside the bamboo forest.

Seeing that the man is not moving,

The secret voice in the bamboo forest summoned him more strongly, and he was bound to go there.

Feng Qing lowered her eyes, her face was cold, and she still didn't move.

There was no response to any summons.

outside the bamboo forest,

A dense black mist enveloped a large area of ​​bamboo forest, a piece of blackness, particularly penetrating.

The female dark guard with dull eyes knelt on the ground, facing the black mist, trembling.


The man in the black mist slowly clenched his slightly open palms into fists, with strong and cold power, he instantly destroyed the ants on the ground.

Before the female dark guard could scream, she was wiped out in the hands of the high gods, and she would never be reincarnated.

Suli stared at the cottage not far away with dark eyes, sneered,

"I'd like to see if you change the bait, you won't be able to get out."

The black mist dissipated,

In an instant, it turned into...

It looks like a tall woman.



"Fu Lang, the village master calls you over."

The burly woman stood in front of Feng Qing and said respectfully.

Feng Qing was taken aback, then raised her eyes, "A Sheng called me?"

The woman narrowed her eyes slightly,

But soon, she smiled and continued to bow her head,

"Yes, the village master said he had something to look for you and let you go there."

Feng Qing stood up.

He knew the woman in front of him.

She is the second head of the village - Li Yuan.

Although he is not familiar with her, he also knows that she is the person who takes care of Ah Sheng.

Feng Qing nodded, walked down the steps,

"Where is Ah Sheng?"

He misses her.

The man is a little anxious.

The woman smiled and said, "The owner of the village is in Xizhulin now, Fulang, I will take you there."

As she spoke, she cupped her hands to lead him the way.

Feng Qing followed behind her, walking steadily.

After leaving the stockade,

The two walked west all the way, along the bamboo forest path, farther and farther away.

at last,

Feng Qing suddenly stopped in her tracks, her tone was a bit wrong,

"What about her?"

The woman was not in a hurry, she turned around and saluted him,

"Fu Lang, don't worry, just look behind you."

Feng Qing heard the words and turned around.

not far behind,

The young girl looked at him with a smile, her arms were open, her voice was sweet,

"Qingqing, come here, give me a hug."

Feng Qing was slightly taken aback.

next second,

He rolled his eyes and ran over in an instant.

The place where the woman was standing had long since disappeared, replaced by a dense black mist.

Feng Qing originally wanted to tear off the veil, and threw herself on it.

And the girl standing there, with a smile on her face, was gentle, her brows were full of smiles, and she seemed to be waiting for him.

When Feng Qing was about to hug her,

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