The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1152 Little crying bag, bullying you (39)


Feng Qing tilted her head slightly.

The face of the woman in front of her...

Fu Sheng seemed to realize something, turned his face away, trying to cover it,

"That... I..."

"You are Ah Sheng."

Feng Qing suddenly bent her eyes.

He hugged her waist all at once, clinging to her tightly, very happy.

Ah Sheng... Ah Sheng...

His Ah Sheng...

The man hugged extremely hard.

Fu Sheng was slightly taken aback,

Immediately, she softened her brows and gave a low "hmm".

The situation was too urgent just now,

Afraid that Suli would kill him even if he tried his best,

Therefore, Fu Sheng broke away from the host body and transformed into the original body.

The body is not oppressed by the plane, and the power can reach the peak,

Fu Sheng rushed over with the intention of dying together.

just didn't expect,

He could still recognize her.

Fu Sheng touched his face, the corners of his lips curled slightly.

next second,

She condensed her fingertips slightly, and the greenness penetrated into his body, and quickly dissipated.

As soon as the man's body softened, he immediately lost consciousness and was about to fall down.

Fu Sheng hugged him quickly.

After picking him up,

Fusheng turned around, looked coldly at the black mist,

For a long time,

She finally let out a long sigh, and said softly,

"Suli, let's talk, shall we?"

The black mist stagnates.


His figure appeared,

Dressed in a black robe, she has a beautiful face.

Suli was born with a very yin energy, and her face was even more pale and feminine,

With his hair loose, he stared straight at her without speaking,

His fists were clenched tightly, as if he was forcibly suppressing his anger and feelings.

She had never, never hugged him like this.

Su Li's face was gloomy.

Of course Fu Sheng knew he was upset,

She is also very upset now.

She did not expect that his hatred for King's Landing was already so great.

Obviously once,

The friendship between them is very deep.




The little girl in the white skirt covered her little head and bumped into someone unexpectedly.

She was wearing a beautiful wreath, her eyes were round and big, obediently, she looked extremely stunning.

got hit,

The little girl didn't cry, she covered her head and looked up,


The man in a dark black robe stood and looked at her quietly, his dark purple eyes were deep and charming.

The unparalleled beauty of the face, cold and noble,

Like the coldest snow color in winter, indifferent and indifferent.

He was wearing a black robe, with a gilt belt with dark patterns around his waist, and his long hair was tied up with a simple ribbon, giving him a noble and peerless aura.

His stature was tall, and when he stood upright,

Like a big mountain, with a heavy sense of oppression, it makes people surrender,

The surrounding vegetation has already bowed its head, prostrate on the ground,

To the gods, salute respectfully,

The man's dark and noble purple eyes stared at her fixedly, his thin lips were indifferent, and he did not speak.

The little girl blinked her eyes, tilted her head, looked up at him,

She was still small, only reaching his waist,

When she looked up at him, she still had some difficulty.

The man's appearance is extremely beautiful, the beauty is amazing,

When An Jing looked over, it was extremely pleasing to the eye, like a picture scroll of breathtaking beauty.

Especially those phoenix eyes, dark purple, but not cloudy and dull,

Just like the purest rosy glow beside the sunset, it envelops all things and lives endlessly.

The little girl was stunned, she opened her mouth slightly, her voice was immature,

"Who are you--"

"grown ups."

Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind, with extreme respect.

The little girl turned around.

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